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Khoi Vinh on what’s wrong with iTunes
Khoi Vinh on what’s wrong with iTunes
“More than a textbook case in how not to design usable software though, iTunes has for me come to represent all the things that Apple is doing wrong, even as the company’s profits continue to snowball.”
Khoi Vinh on what’s wrong with iTunes
Tim Cook’s letter
Tim Cook’s letter
“What sinks the letter for me is one word the final paragraph.”
Tim Cook’s letter
Apple and China, continued
Apple and China, continued
“We’re trying really hard to make things better,” said one former Apple executive. “But most people would still be really disturbed if they saw where their iPhone comes from.”
Apple and China, continued
Apple thanks
Apple thanks
Apple's way of thanking the user for filling out a survey.
Apple thanks
Steve Jobs (1955–2011)
Steve Jobs (1955–2011)
A good way to remember Steve Jobs: read the prepared text of the commencement address he gave at Stanford University in 2005.
Steve Jobs (1955–2011)
Trying the iPad
Trying the iPad
"Typing — with the iPad propped up at an angle on a low table — is easier than I had expected but still tedious. I was reminded of what it’s like when I catch and correct typos on a cellphone. Because I’m looking at the keys and not the screen, I don’t see typos until I’m well past them. Tedious."
Trying the iPad
John Gruber on typing and the iPad
John Gruber on typing and the iPad
"You absolutely do not need a hardware keyboard for it. But if you're hoping to do any amount of serious writing with it (and, for obvious vocational reasons, I plan to), you're going to want one."
John Gruber on typing and the iPad