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Getting organized . . . part 5
Getting organized . . . part 5
Finally, here are analog and digital tools together. Post-It notes are almost too obvious to suggest. But here are a couple of less obvious...
Getting organized . . . part 5
Getting organized . . . part 4
Getting organized . . . part 4
Here's an alternative to paper-based organizing: use a Palm . A Palm gadget can be a tremendously useful tool. (I take the superiority of th...
Getting organized . . . part 4
Getting organized . . . part 3
Getting organized . . . part 3
Here's an alternative to the conventional datebook: Use a small notebook . I've recently become hooked on Moleskine ("moleskin") notebooks. ...
Getting organized . . . part 3
Getting organized . . . part 2
Getting organized . . . part 2
Consider a datebook . Paper is endlessly formattable--you can use different color inks, boxes, and underlining to keep track of things. If y...
Getting organized . . . part 2
Getting organized with simple tools, part 1
Getting organized with simple tools, part 1
Teaching involves keeping track of countless smaller tasks--look up this word, check this quote in French, type this handout, make this assi...
Getting organized with simple tools, part 1
Post-It note update
Post-It note update
I knew it was too good to be true. My friend Martha Lhamon writes Sorry to tell you that I've been shopping with post-it notes on my wallet...
Post-It note update
Getting organized . . . part 6
Getting organized . . . part 6
One more suggestion: the Hipster PDA . That is, a stack of index cards held together with a binder clip. The ways in which people have worke...
Getting organized . . . part 6
From the University of Texas at Austin, Design Your Own Anti-Procrastination Plan , a page of useful strategies.
How to be a morning person
How to be a morning person
Useful advice, which you can read by clicking here . (Via 43 Folders .)
How to be a morning person
Multitasking makes you stupid
Multitasking makes you stupid
From "Multitasking Makes You Stupid: Studies Show Pitfalls of Doing Too Much at Once," by Sue Shellenbarger: --People who multitask are actu...
Multitasking makes you stupid
The most dangerous game
The most dangerous game
I have been intending to write this essay for months. Why am I finally doing it? Because I finally found some uncommitted time? Wrong. I hav...
The most dangerous game
Too cool for school: the PocketMod . This Flash program lets you design and print an 8.5 x 11 page that folds into a nifty 8-page booklet. I...
PocketMod again
PocketMod again
PocketMod is now even better. From the webpage: We have just uploaded many new page layouts. Dots game, 2007 calendar, food diary, tip table...
PocketMod again
Being productive in college
Being productive in college
Various bits of advice from MetaFilter. I especially like the suggestion to use cds as units of studying time (study through one cd, then ta...
Being productive in college
Continental Paper Grading Co.
Continental Paper Grading Co.
This picture is me--I mean, I. (I graded eighteen papers in three hours last night and this morning.) [Photo taken on an Amtrak train leavin...
Continental Paper Grading Co.
Rule 7
Rule 7
As a college professor, I've long been giving my students (what I hope is) useful advice. Here's one of the best pieces of advice I know for...
Rule 7
Twelve ways to boost your immunity
Twelve ways to boost your immunity
The BBC offers twelve tips to help boost your immunity--to illness, not from prosecution. It's getting more and more wintry here in the Amer...
Twelve ways to boost your immunity
Many people give up on learning after they leave school because thirteen or twenty years of extrinsically motivated education is still a sou...
Nothing moves me to procrastinate like the prospect of grading dozens of essays. But I've been making great efforts toward getting-things-do...