How to get up earlyGood advice from··Feb 7, 2007How to get up early
Tables for studyingA spreadsheet with which to organize study time#granularity#lifehacks#studying#GTD··Dec 2, 2006Tables for studying
GranularityGranularity as a strategy for students#granularity#lifehacks#GTD··Nov 29, 2006Granularity
Dark Roomsimple distraction-free text program#technology#writing#wordprocessing#GTD··Aug 23, 2006Dark Room
Getting organized . . . part 5Finally, here are analog and digital tools together. Post-It notes are almost too obvious to suggest. But here are a couple of less obvious...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized . . . part 5
Getting organized . . . part 4Here's an alternative to paper-based organizing: use a Palm . A Palm gadget can be a tremendously useful tool. (I take the superiority of th...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized . . . part 4
Getting organized . . . part 3Here's an alternative to the conventional datebook: Use a small notebook . I've recently become hooked on Moleskine ("moleskin") notebooks. ...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized . . . part 3
Getting organized . . . part 2Consider a datebook . Paper is endlessly formattable--you can use different color inks, boxes, and underlining to keep track of things. If y...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized . . . part 2
Getting organized with simple tools, part 1Teaching involves keeping track of countless smaller tasks--look up this word, check this quote in French, type this handout, make this assi...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized with simple tools, part 1
Post-It note updateI knew it was too good to be true. My friend Martha Lhamon writes Sorry to tell you that I've been shopping with post-it notes on my wallet...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Post-It note update
Getting organized . . . part 6One more suggestion: the Hipster PDA . That is, a stack of index cards held together with a binder clip. The ways in which people have worke...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Getting organized . . . part 6
LaterFrom the University of Texas at Austin, Design Your Own Anti-Procrastination Plan , a page of useful strategies.#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Later
How to be a morning personUseful advice, which you can read by clicking here . (Via 43 Folders .)#GTD··Feb 1, 2006How to be a morning person
Multitasking makes you stupidFrom "Multitasking Makes You Stupid: Studies Show Pitfalls of Doing Too Much at Once," by Sue Shellenbarger: --People who multitask are actu...#technology#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Multitasking makes you stupid
The most dangerous gameI have been intending to write this essay for months. Why am I finally doing it? Because I finally found some uncommitted time? Wrong. I hav...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006The most dangerous game
PocketModToo cool for school: the PocketMod . This Flash program lets you design and print an 8.5 x 11 page that folds into a nifty 8-page booklet. I...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006PocketMod
PocketMod againPocketMod is now even better. From the webpage: We have just uploaded many new page layouts. Dots game, 2007 calendar, food diary, tip table...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006PocketMod again
Being productive in collegeVarious bits of advice from MetaFilter. I especially like the suggestion to use cds as units of studying time (study through one cd, then ta...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Being productive in college
Continental Paper Grading Co.This picture is me--I mean, I. (I graded eighteen papers in three hours last night and this morning.) [Photo taken on an Amtrak train leavin...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Continental Paper Grading Co.
Rule 7As a college professor, I've long been giving my students (what I hope is) useful advice. Here's one of the best pieces of advice I know for...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Rule 7
Twelve ways to boost your immunityThe BBC offers twelve tips to help boost your immunity--to illness, not from prosecution. It's getting more and more wintry here in the Amer...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Twelve ways to boost your immunity
FlowMany people give up on learning after they leave school because thirteen or twenty years of extrinsically motivated education is still a sou...#GTD··Feb 1, 2006Flow
45/15Nothing moves me to procrastinate like the prospect of grading dozens of essays. But I've been making great efforts toward getting-things-do...#GTD··Feb 1, 200645/15