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This Google search brought a seeker to these pages: “homeric simile about assholes.”
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Fitzgerald, Lombardo, Mitchell
Fitzgerald, Lombardo, Mitchell
“A translation of a poem as vast as the Odyssey rises or falls not in its treatment of great, memorable lines — such as those that describe Argos, lying neglected and bug-ridden on a pile of dung — but in its treatment of what might be called ordinary lines, those that go by in a way that invites no special attention from a reader. Someone walks into town; someone offers a greeting; someone serves a meal: the translator must attend to it all.”
Fitzgerald, Lombardo, Mitchell
Achilles in Afghanistan
Achilles in Afghanistan
“The subtitle of Achilles in Vietnam — Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character — makes a point that some readers want to resist: that good character provides no sure defense against the experiences of war, that good character can be destroyed by circumstance.”
Achilles in Afghanistan
The Interrupters
The Interrupters
“The fatalism of so many of the film’s young people, captured in the words ‘I am next,’ written on a wall of the dead, seems straight from the Iliad: ‘I know I will not make old bones,’ as Achilles says. Yet the Violence Interrupters themselves have learned to live beyond criminality and violence, and we see them, armed only with words, convincing others to do the same.”
The Interrupters
Selling the Iliad
Selling the Iliad
Quoting a nearly sixty-year-old undated sentence on the likely longevity of a translation, a sentence whose writer went on to make his own translation of the poem, seems, well, odd.
Selling the Iliad
Christopher Logue (1926–2011)
Christopher Logue (1926–2011)
“Logue’s Homer seems to me the last great work of literary modernism, collapsing past(s) and present with grim wit and startling originality.”
Christopher Logue (1926–2011)
Home sweet Homer
Home sweet Homer
Turkish mayors fight over Homer's birthplace
Home sweet Homer