Followers“To write, though, is not to sniff for what’s popular but to keep one’s nose to the ground — and to follow wherever it leads.”#blogging#Internet#writing··Dec 5, 2012Followers
ca-kyvi-wa-saGood advice from David Sparks for keeping things secure online#Internet··Aug 14, 2012ca-kyvi-wa-sa
Tendered buttonsLike, Retweet, +1.#blogging#Internet··May 31, 2012Tendered buttons
But also across timeConnecting past and present via the Internet: a 1925 photograph as seen in 2012.#Internet#past#time··May 6, 2012But also across time
Stop PIPA and SOPAImages by Sam Anderson.#Internet··Jan 18, 2012Stop PIPA and SOPA
Internets addictionThe “internet” is much scarier with a initial cap. And scarier still in plural form.#Internet··Jan 13, 2012Internets addiction
namebenchThe Google Code project namebench (no cap) is an “open-source DNS benchmark utility” for OS X, UNIX, and Windows. It finds the fastest DNS servers for your computer.#Internet#technology··Dec 18, 2011namebench
American Censorship Day“This bill seriously screws with the Internet.”#censorship#Internet··Nov 16, 2011American Censorship Day