Mimestream is free to download and use while it’s in beta. I downloaded the app yesterday and am impressed by its design and ease of use. It should prove especially handy for anyone who manages multiple Gmail accounts.
It is possible to rename a group of files — say, photos — in macOS. But doing so is tedious, and the options are limited. For 99¢, Rename X does a much better job.
I found myself with a mysterious problem on my Mac: a note in the Stickies app was inaccessible. The note showed up when I right-clicked on the app icon in the Dock but was nowhere to be found on the Desktop. Thus it was impossible to delete. Quitting Stickies and restarting the Mac did nothing. Searching the Internets turned up nothing. Here is a solution.
A small persistent Mac problem, at least for me, over many years: right-click on a file and the Open With menu never populates. Instead it just says “Fetching. . . .” There's a fix.
If you, like me, have no interest in moving to macOS Catalina, you may want to remove the annoying update reminder from the System Preferences icon in the Dock. I’ve seen various suggestions for how to do so. This one works.
Marco Arment makes the case for a Low Power Mode for MacBooks. Until that comes along, he recommends Turbo Boost Switcher, an app he first recommended in 2015.
companion that performs a dazzling array of tasks. A post from the Alfred blog inspired me, at last, to create a shortcut to search Google Books. Simple, as it turns out. The trick is figuring out the URL that will work.