Nabokov: Van Veen, eraserErasers, pencils, dreams.#erasers#Nabokov#pencils··Nov 29, 2015Nabokov: Van Veen, eraser
Nabokov: “mere scenery”The past, in the form of the wreckage of an affair.#Nabokov··Nov 29, 2015Nabokov: “mere scenery”
“What on earth is an artist?”Answer: “An underground observatory.” From Ada.#Nabokov··Nov 4, 2015“What on earth is an artist?”
Ada : Sunday breakfastUncle Dan is “feeding.”#comics#Nabokov··Oct 27, 2015Ada : Sunday breakfast
Ada : “nice normal things”Ada and Van are very unusual children.#Nabokov··Oct 27, 2015Ada : “nice normal things”
Nabokov to NabokovAn especially beautiful and startling element in Speak, Memory is the sudden and unexplained direct address of a “you.”#Nabokov··Oct 16, 2015Nabokov to Nabokov
Nabokov at CambridgeNot an auspicious start.#Nabokov··Oct 7, 2015Nabokov at Cambridge
Nabokov’s orthodontiaTracking down the name of VN’s orthodontist in Berlin.#Nabokov··Oct 7, 2015Nabokov’s orthodontia
Elsie de NordIn Ada, “a vulgar literary demimondaine.”#advertising#Nabokov··Oct 7, 2015Elsie de Nord
A Nabokov pencil sharpenerWith “tawny-brown shag.”#Nabokov#pencils··Oct 7, 2015A Nabokov pencil sharpener
Nabokovian handwritingFather and son.#handwriting#Nabokov··Oct 7, 2015Nabokovian handwriting
“Floss, Floss, Floss!”Nabokov at the beach. Very Proustian.#Nabokov#Proust··Sep 22, 2015“Floss, Floss, Floss!”
The “gutticles of the percha”Nabokov writes about an eraser.#erasers#Nabokov··Sep 22, 2015The “gutticles of the percha”
A Nabokov schoolroom“Everything is as it should be.”#Nabokov··Sep 11, 2015A Nabokov schoolroom
Karr and NabokovKarr’s dismissal of estates and ancestors seems to me a form of snobbery in reverse: it’s okay to write your life if you come from a rough or messy background. But fancy-pants aristocrats, Keep Out.#Nabokov··Sep 11, 2015Karr and Nabokov
A Nabokov digressionAn amusingly Kinbotean digression.#Nabokov··Sep 8, 2015A Nabokov digression
“One could have Timofey televised”Nabokov seems to have imagined — if only as a horrible pipedream — the end of the classroom and the rise of something MOOC-like.#Nabokov#teaching#college··Jan 21, 2014“One could have Timofey televised”
Nabokov distinctions“The near near,” “the near far,” “the far near,” and “the far far.”#Nabokov··Mar 25, 2013Nabokov distinctions
Separated at birth?Vladimir Nabokov and Broderick Crawford.#Nabokov#separatedatbirth··Nov 26, 2012Separated at birth?
Nabokov on working in the library“There is, of course, the problem of educating the young.”#Nabokov#libraries··Aug 4, 2012Nabokov on working in the library
Motuweth frisasThe last time I read Pnin all the way through, there was no Internet, at least not for me. Now there is, and motuweth frisas no longer baffles me.#Nabokov#words··Jul 30, 2012Motuweth frisas
Nabokov hypothesis confirmedA butterfly hypothesis and a 1958 photograph of VN butterfly-hunting.#Nabokov··Jan 26, 2011Nabokov hypothesis confirmed
Word of the day: laveGood for word golf#Nabokov#words··Mar 10, 2010Word of the day: lave
Aunt Maud's clippingsPasage from Nabokov's Pale Fire, old Life magazine ads#fiction#Nabokov··Dec 20, 2009Aunt Maud's clippings
Nabokov's unfinishedOn The Original of Laura#fiction#indexcards#Nabokov··Nov 30, 2009Nabokov's unfinished
Pnin's pencil sharpenerBeautiful sentences from a Nabokov novel#DixonTiconderoga#fiction#Nabokov#pencils··Oct 29, 2009Pnin's pencil sharpener
Pnin's posyBeautiful sentences from a Nabokov novel#fiction#Nabokov··Oct 29, 2009Pnin's posy
Nabokov's index cards, coming in NovemberPublishers Weekly review of the unfinished Nabokov novel#books#indexcards#Nabokov#reading··Aug 2, 2009Nabokov's index cards, coming in November
New NabokovThe Original of Laura, to be published October 2009, with reproductions of Nabokov's manuscript index cards#fiction#indexcards#Nabokov··May 2, 2009New Nabokov