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Art into words
Art into words
“The great blue wave curls in from the left, its toppling white crest a mass of foam tentacles that claw the air”: from a terrific Word of Mouth episode, “Audio description: putting art into words.”
Art into words
Be wise
Be wise
A 1930s poster.
Be wise
George Bodmer’s Oscar’s Day: “You shouldn’t be able to cut the air.”
Cubist pencil
Cubist pencil
“Round, having a novel finish of small squares in assorted colors,” says the advertisement. From 1914.
Cubist pencil
Guernica wear
Guernica wear
In today’s Zippy, Griffy notes that museums sell Picasso everything — mousepads, T-shirtscoffee mugs. “What’s next?” he wonders. “Guernica bedsheets and party dresses??” I wouldn’t have believed it. But you can find a Guernica skirt, complete with Picasso signatures along the waistband, front and back, at Etsy.
Guernica wear
A pinned note
A pinned note
A note pinned to a wall in Alex Katz’s studio.
A pinned note
Wordle for art.
“On Point”
“On Point”
In Salt Lake City, the debut of “On Point,” a fifteen-foot pencil sculpture made from an old utility pole.
“On Point”
Space hotel
Space hotel
The future future looks so much like the future past.
Space hotel
Donald Evans’s stamps
Donald Evans’s stamps
“Watercolor stamps of imaginary countries”: Donald Evans: Philatelic Counter, an exhibit at the Tibor de Nagy Gallery.
Donald Evans’s stamps
Who owns Henry Darger?
Who owns Henry Darger?
A legal battle between Henry Darger’s landlords and some distant Darger relatives, who never knew him and now claim the rights to his work.
Who owns Henry Darger?
Sardine art
Sardine art
Behold: images from a facsimile edition of Glynn Boyd-Harte’s Les Sardines à l’huille, described by the publisher as “one of the outstanding auto-lithographed books of the 20th century.”
Sardine art
Pareidolia. My first thought was “Cookie Monster.” But the skull shape is so clear, and Halloween is approaching.