Rooms, radios, hurdlesJacques Barzun: “Jane Austen could write novels in the family parlor and some people can think in a boiler factory, but it is foolish to take the hardest hurdles first when the power of attention is so rare.”#attention#JacquesBarzun#reading··Jun 6, 2012Rooms, radios, hurdles
Noisy for MacNoisy is a free app (OS X 10.5 or later) that generates pink noise or white noise, masking background chatter and other distractions.#attention#lifehacks#Mac··Apr 10, 2012Noisy for Mac
Re: “distracting little rituals”What are your preferred forms of work-avoidance?#attention#DavidFosterWallace#distraction··May 5, 2011Re: “distracting little rituals”
Richard Wollheim on looking at artIt takes hours to pay attention#art#attention··Jul 23, 2010Richard Wollheim on looking at art
David Foster Wallace on attentionFrom a 2005 Kenyon commencement speech#attention#DavidFosterWallace··Mar 10, 2010David Foster Wallace on attention
"Writing in the Age of Distraction"Cory Doctorow: "When you come to a factual matter that you could google in a matter of seconds, don't."#attention#technology#writing··Jan 13, 2009"Writing in the Age of Distraction"
Earphones and trolleysStop, look, listen#attention#technology··Nov 19, 2008Earphones and trolleys
Free advice for Bill McKibbenDisable automatic notification!#attention#continuouspartialattention#distraction#technology··Aug 14, 2008Free advice for Bill McKibben
Managing attentionDo you have a never-ending list? Do you manage your time? Do you manage minutes, tasks, and lists? Do you start each day with a list that ha...#attention#continuouspartialattention#GTD··Jun 18, 2008Managing attention
"Is Google making us stupid?"Comment on Nicholas Carr's Atlantic article#attention#continuouspartialattention#Google#reading··Jun 12, 2008"Is Google making us stupid?"
Boredom and attentionAttention as the antidote for boredom#attention#AndréGregory#WallaceShawn··Apr 20, 2008Boredom and attention
WriteRoom[Click to enlarge and read.] Smultron (by Peter Borg) TextWrangler (Bare Bones Software) WriteRoom (Hog Bay Software) Related posts...#attention#distraction#simplicity#technology#wordprocessing#writing··Jan 27, 2008WriteRoom
Bookstore musicThe marketing of Norah Jones#attention#bookstores··Feb 2, 2007Bookstore music
"A lot out there is conspiring to distract you"More on continuous partial attention and reading habits : I recently spoke with a junior who was stressed about her decreasing ability to f...#attention#books#reading#libraries··Jan 23, 2007"A lot out there is conspiring to distract you"
Blockwritersimple writing software#attention#simplicity#technology#writing··Jan 15, 2007Blockwriter
Jedi ConcentrateFree program to dim all the active window#attention#technology#writing··Sep 26, 2006Jedi Concentrate
Multitasking: "not paying attention"From Jared Sandberg's column "Cubicle Culture": Multitasking, a term cribbed from computers, is an information age creed that, while almost ...#multitasking#attention#lifehacks··Sep 12, 2006Multitasking: "not paying attention"