New Kid and Class Act, stories of school, friendship, misunderstandings, adjustments, and learning, graphic novels sharply and wittily drawn and written.
As the poet William Bronk said, in response to a survey asking for the ten best books of American poetry published since 1945, “Don’t ask me. I believe the arts are not competitive.”
“Like writing and the printed book, indexes created excitement as well as anxiety, just as digital aids do now”: from Anthony Grafton’s review of Dennis Duncan’s Index, A History of the.
An anonymous reader asked me to “correct” the Favorite Books section of my Blogger profile by listing titles instead of writers. From my point of view, there’s nothing to fix. As my wife Elaine suggests, you can take any name on the list as prefaced by the words “anything by.”
A president and his sister: “What do you do?” the president asked. “I read,” Barry replied. “What do you read?” the president said. “Books,” Barry said.
The old one, a DO-NOT-USE-AS-BOOKMARK bookmark, made it through five years of the Four Seasons Reading Club. The new one is a legit bookmark, from Three Lives & Company.
That book on Judy Woodruff’s right, the one with the blue-gray cover, its spine often partly hidden behind the NewsHour logo — I’ve been wondering what it is.