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A as in Dante
A as in Dante
One sad touch that makes a visit to a Barnes and Noble a little sadder still: in the small poetry section, Dante appears under A , as in Alighieri .
A as in Dante
Horizon Bookstore bookmark
Horizon Bookstore bookmark
The yellowing just below the top and down the edge is the work of paper eating paper. There is no permanence.
Horizon Bookstore bookmark
Booksmith bookmark
Booksmith bookmark
I like pulling down a book from a shelf and finding an old bookmark.
Booksmith bookmark
Best wishes to Jack Cella
Best wishes to Jack Cella
Retiring after forty-three years as the general manager of the Seminary Co-op Bookstore.
Best wishes to Jack Cella
Brookline Booksmith blog
Brookline Booksmith blog
“I am happy to discover that one of my favorite bookstores, Brookline Booksmith, has a blog: brookline blogsmith.”
Brookline Booksmith blog
Eighth Street Bookshop
Eighth Street Bookshop
The Eighth Street Bookshop, run by brothers Eli and Ted Wilentz, is one of the now-defunct businesses that make an appearance in Maeve Brennan’s The Long-Winded Lady.
Eighth Street Bookshop
Barnes & Noble v. Amazon
Barnes & Noble v. Amazon
“Using the bookstore to sell e-books makes it unnecessary to go to the bookstore, except to use it as a library or life-sized catalogue, or to have coffee.”
Barnes & Noble v. Amazon
Whither Barnes & Noble?
Whither Barnes & Noble?
“Bookstore survival-strategy seems to be premised on everything but books.”
Whither Barnes & Noble?
Borders to close
Borders to close
“For months now, the online welcome message from my nearby Borders has seemed tinged with pathos.”
Borders to close
Borders and bankruptcy
Borders and bankruptcy
“It’s sad: everything the company has done to bring in more money seems to give the dedicated reader less reason to feel good about going to Borders.”
Borders and bankruptcy