Milton Glaser (1929–2020)The graphic designer who gave us I♥︎NY.#art#design··Jul 7, 2020Milton Glaser (1929–2020)
マンホール蓋Today’s Zippy takes us to Japan, where manhole covers are things of beauty.#art#comics#Zippy#design··Jun 28, 2020マンホール蓋
Schwan’s DinnersThat logo for Mike Pompeo’s so-called Madison Dinners: where had I seen something like it? On the side of a Schwan’s truck.#design#politics··May 23, 2020Schwan’s Dinners
VentingThe question has haunted me: Why the vents in cabinets under kitchen sinks? I found three likely answers.#design#dowdyworld#kitchen··May 13, 2020Venting
“Butter maiden” retiredThe days of Native American “mascots” belong in the past.#advertising#culture#design··Apr 20, 2020“Butter maiden” retired
Canteen Canteen CanteenA mid-century vending-machine triptych.#design#film#dowdyworld··Mar 4, 2020Canteen Canteen Canteen
Campaign typographyGeorge Butterick (as in Butterick’s Practical Typography) considers the campaign logos of Democratic presidential candidates.#design#politics#typography··Feb 13, 2020Campaign typography
The Glenlivet logoThose who read cereal boxes at the breakfast table grow up to read all forms of packaging.#design··Jul 26, 2019The Glenlivet logo
Letterheadsetterheads dig letterheads. Letterhead Steven Heller offers his confessions — with samples.#design#letters#typography··Feb 10, 2019Letterheads
NYRB coversFrom the Los Angeles Times : Aida Ylanan analyzes the covers of 500 New York Review Books Classics.#books#design··Jan 9, 2019NYRB covers
Mid-century cigarette machineThere are many ways for a movie to hold my interest.#cigarettes#design#film··Jan 6, 2019Mid-century cigarette machine
Philadelphia SolariFrom NPR’s All Things Considered : “Fans of an Iconic Philly Rail Sign Are Rallying to Save It from Retirement.”#design#signage··Jan 6, 2019Philadelphia Solari
Moving to Elgin ParkThe creator of an imaginary town has died.#art#design#dowdyworld··Dec 21, 2018Moving to Elgin Park
Arrowlock Tag #108it’s a clever design: “Hook to item — fold arrow head.”#design··Nov 30, 2018Arrowlock Tag #108
Cachou LajaunieLittle French candies. The flavor is kinda ghastly, but the tin’s design is beautiful.#design#France··Oct 10, 2018Cachou Lajaunie
La Posta FazzioIt was the label that drew me to La Posta Fazzio Malbec. It so happens that the wine is good too. But that label!#Borges#design#wine··Jun 16, 2018La Posta Fazzio
Judging books by their coversNew York Review Books Classics.#books#design··Apr 11, 2018Judging books by their covers
Bela sardinesProbably the best sardines I’ve ever had.#design#sardines··Feb 24, 2018Bela sardines
A Covered Swivel Rotary FileA Cooper Hewitt Object of the Day.#design#dowdyworld··Dec 25, 2017A Covered Swivel Rotary File
An interview with Annie AtkinsMaker of graphic props for film, lead graphic designer for The Grand Budapest Hotel.#art#design#film··Dec 9, 2017An interview with Annie Atkins
Benguiat beatniksFrom Zippy, lettering inspired by Ed Benguiat’s Interlock#fonts#Zippy#design··Oct 21, 2017Benguiat beatniks
“Technocracy Debunked”An Everyday Science and Mechanics cover, February 1933.#design#dowdyworld#magazines#technology··Oct 2, 2017“Technocracy Debunked”
Railroad emblemsFrom Life magazine, 1944.#design#trains··Aug 8, 2017Railroad emblems
“Cost of Trans Troops vs Flaccid Military Members”A chart is worth a thousand words.#culture#politics#design··Aug 4, 2017“Cost of Trans Troops vs Flaccid Military Members”
Ballpark designFrom the podcast 99% Invisible, an episode about the design of new ballparks.#baseball#design··Jul 8, 2017Ballpark design
Steven Heller on humility“When you start out, there are all sorts of things you have to learn, and humility is one of them.”#design#life··May 7, 2017Steven Heller on humility
Folk facadeA study for the facade of the Museum of American Folk Art.#art#museum#design··May 7, 2017Folk facade
VapoRub, the earliest camel-case brand name?It dates to at least 1920.#advertising#design#typography··Mar 11, 2017VapoRub, the earliest camel-case brand name?
Fake News, an iconAn icon by Louis Prado, from Noun Project.#design#truth··Feb 23, 2017Fake News, an icon
Heads upWhoever designed the posters and their sequence must have put much thought into — and taken much pleasure from — the work.#art#design#museum··Nov 28, 2016Heads up