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Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, permacrisis, “a term that describes ‘an extended period of instability and insecurity.’”
Words of the year
Noah Webster
Noah Webster
Frontispiece and accompanying text from Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1961).
Noah Webster
A second Third
A second Third
I have a Webster’s Second. I have a Webster’s Third. And I have a second Third, bought a library book-sale (for fifty cents, I think).
A second Third
OED life
OED life
This visit to the OED offices includes “astirbroad,” “burner phone,” and “what the what.”
OED life
What’s a candy store?
What’s a candy store?
I discovered this morning, only partly to my surprise, that neither Merriam-Webster nor the Oxford English Dictionary has an entry for candy store. I think there should be one, because candy store does not always denote a store that sells only candy.
What’s a candy store?
National Dictionary Day
National Dictionary Day
Some pages from an unusual item available at, a salesperson’s 1937 demonstration model of Webster’s New International Dictionary, second edition, aka Webster’s Second or W2.
National Dictionary Day
Merriam-Webster is selling an NFT of its definition of “NFT.” My post title is meant to suggest my amused disbelief.