Mike Pence just said that he and his wife Karen have “the three most beautiful granddaughters ever born in the history of the world.” Grandparents everywhere know that’s not true.
One of the great moments of grandparenthood (so far): reading Goodnight Moon to a granddaughter who pulled it from the shelf at bedtime and said she didn’t understand it.
Here’s “Adoration” again, played by Randall Goosby, violin, and Zhu Wang, piano, but this time with audio and video. And Elaine Fine is now credited as the arranger.
Elaine just learned that her arrangement of Florence Price’s “Adoration” for violin and piano will appear on violinist Randall Goosby’s first album, Roots (Decca), to be released on June 25. HIs performance, with pianist Zhu Wang, has been released on YouTube as a calling card for the album.
The things we debate in our fambly. Everyone else knows “Pop Goes the Weasel” as beginning with “All around the cobbler’s bench.” I, like the cheese, stand alone: I’ve always know the song as beginning with “All around the mulberry bush.” Both versions are fine, of course. That’s the folk process. But which is more common, the bench or the bush?
A concert from Astraios Chamber Music, available through May 3: Music & Silent Film. A total delight, and probably the most artful COVID-era online production I’ve seen, right through to the closing credits.
Augustin Hadelich at the piano, with thirty-seven other musicians, performing Florence Price’s “Adoration,” arranged for violin and piano by Elaine Fine.
The violinist Augustin Hadelich has invited violinists everywhere to record themselves playing the violin part from Elaine Fine’s arrangement of Florence Price’s “Adoration,” a piece for organ that Elaine arranged for violin and piano.