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Library humor
Library humor
Today’s Dustin: I wonder how many other readers will seek out a list of Dewey Decimal classes to get the joke.
Library humor
A National Emergency Library
A National Emergency Library
The Internet Archive has suspended waitlists for all books in its collection to create a National Emergency Library.
A National Emergency Library
NYPL top ten
NYPL top ten
King of the hill, top of the heap: Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day (1962).
NYPL top ten
A catalog saved
A catalog saved
The Washington Post reports on an all-volunteer effort to save the contents of the card catalog at the University of Virginia’s Alderman Library.
A catalog saved
Library fight
Library fight
The Washington Post reports on the battle over “Little Free Library” — the battle, that is, over the name, a legal trademark.
Library fight
University libraries and their books
University libraries and their books
“University libraries around the world are seeing precipitous declines in the use of the books on their shelves”: Dan Cohen, Vice Provost for Information Collaboration at Northeastern University, writing in The Atlantic.
University libraries and their books
An exceptionally good episode of the podcast 99% Invisible: “Weeding Is Fundamental,” on library deaccessioning gone wrong.
Library history
Library history
Ariel Aberg-Riger offers a short illustrated history of the American public library.
Library history
“One of the last places”
“One of the last places”
“It's one of the last places you can go that you don't have to buy or believe in anything to come in. You can just come, and we'll help you, no matter what your question is”: from a This American Life episode about libraries.
“One of the last places”
“Worse than a travesty, it’s a tragedy”: Bryan Garner writes about the trend of “deaccessioning” books from university libraries.
Animal Lending Library
Animal Lending Library
The Animal Lending Library was a service of the California Junior Museum, which allowed children seven and older to borrow hamsters, porcupines, rabbits, rats, skunks, and squirrels.
Animal Lending Library
Library savings
Library savings
“You just saved $47.00 by using your library. You have saved $47.00 since April 14, 2017.”
Library savings
Long overdue
Long overdue
A copy of Gone with the Wind has been returned to the library, fifty-seven years late.
Long overdue