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Domestic comedy
Domestic comedy
“This person being interviewed is answering every question by starting with the word ‘sure.’”
Domestic comedy
The Real Housewives of NPR
The Real Housewives of NPR
“Public radio ought not to serve as an organ of publicity for junk-pop-culture. NPR’s willingness to do so makes me less and less interested in kicking in to support NPR.”
The Real Housewives of NPR
NPR speaking
NPR speaking
“Here’s some really cool music from Chile that I can’t stop listening to at the crib.”
NPR speaking
Public radio map
Public radio map
I like exploring the weirdness of “the dial,” all of it, but I still think I would find this page invaluable on a long car trip.
Public radio map
“War of the Welles”
“War of the Welles”
A KPCC radio documentary about the Mercury Theatre’s 1938 adaptation of H. G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds.
“War of the Welles”
Recently updated
Recently updated
More details of the like s in the latest This American Life.
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This American like
This American like
We listened while driving, and every like, well, it like hung in the air in the car, and we couldn’t even open the windows because it was so hot outside. I mean seriously, seriously hot.
This American like
Elaine and I listened last night to This American Life’s inquiry into the possible existence of imitation calamari.
Farewell, Liane Hansen
Farewell, Liane Hansen
Liane Hansen hosted her last Weekend Edition Sunday this morning.
Farewell, Liane Hansen
“My NPR stations, WILL-AM and -FM, are local treasures. If they were to disappear, I’d have little reason to own a radio. I am sorry but not surprised to see that Congressman Tim Johnson (R, Illinois-15) voted to end federal funding of NPR.”