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NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
“Several protestors were attacked by onlookers.” Onlookers? If you’re attacking, you’re not looking on.
NPR, sheesh
NYT, sheesh
NYT, sheesh
Subject-verb disagreement in Dwight Garner’s review of Wendell Berry’s What I Stand On: The Collected Essays.
NYT, sheesh
PBS, sheesh
PBS, sheesh
“. . . between he and Hillary Clinton . . .”
PBS, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
Nooses tighten. Webs ensnare. Plots thicken. Clichés sometimes trip up those who rely upon them.
NPR, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
“Mueller subpoena’s unknown corporation owned by unknown county.”
MSNBC, sheesh
Little Everywhere and Stitcher, sheesh
Little Everywhere and Stitcher, sheesh
From episode four of the podcast The Dream: “Robert and him struck up a friendship.” And twelve seconds later: “Him and Robert also had the idea.”
Little Everywhere and Stitcher, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
MBS: The last thing our public discourse needs is another trivializing nickname.
MSNBC, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
Donald Trump wasn’t “making an argument” about climate change in his 60 Minutes interview. He was making an unfounded assertion.
NPR, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
Heard a few minutes ago: “As the walls close in on multiple fronts . . .”
MSNBC, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
MSNBC, sheesh
A few minutes ago: “Mueller might lay low.”
MSNBC, sheesh
Avenatti, sheesh
Avenatti, sheesh
Michael Avenatti, on CNN just now: “The president and me have the ability to work with the media.”
Avenatti, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
From a story about wildfires in the American southwest : “visitors tip well to hear old-timey Western tunes like ‘The Entertainer.’”
NPR, sheesh
NYT, sheesh
NYT, sheesh
From The New York Times : “Unlike her boss, attention from the news media was never something she sought.”
NYT, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
“. . . before expelling the same amount of British diplomats. . . .”
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
The “Democratic memo” didn’t drop. The House Intelligence Committee released it.
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
“You crafted this movie from scratch.”
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
NPR, sheesh
“I’m, like, a huge narcissist, so, like, let me get out there, basically.”
NPR, sheesh
PBS, sheesh
PBS, sheesh
From tonight’s PBS News Hour : “There is confusion over conflicting advice about whom should get tested for the disease.”
PBS, sheesh