Cypress (sp)Paul Manafort’s lawyers misspelling Cyprus.#misspelling#spelling··Nov 4, 2017Cypress (sp)
“Grammar Nazi”Funny and charming, even if what Reese Lansangan cares about is, for the most part, spelling and usage.#grammar#misspelling#spelling#usage··Sep 22, 2017“Grammar Nazi”
Donald Trump’s spellingOne learns how to spell words correctly by seeing them, again and again, in print, correctly spelled. Trump is, famously, a non-reader of books, and his errors are often those of a writer who spells by ear.#misspelling#politics#spelling··Sep 3, 2017Donald Trump’s spelling
To and tooFrom a landscaper’s flyer, found on the handle of our storm door.#misspelling#spelling··Jul 25, 2017To and too
”There’s no excuse for bad copyediting”From the comic strip Dustin.#comics#writing#misspelling#spelling··Jul 25, 2017”There’s no excuse for bad copyediting”
White House misspellings and typosSeth Masket, a former writer for the White House Office of Correspondence, considers the abundance of misspellings and typos in official Whi...#misspelling#politics#spelling··Jun 20, 2017White House misspellings and typos
“Ug!”Your family has a dictionary , Hi. Use it.#comics#Hi&Lois#misspelling#spelling··Feb 22, 2017“Ug!”
“No challenge is to great”I agree: it’s a “glaring typo,” or a glaring example of a common confusion of words.#misspelling#politics#spelling··Feb 15, 2017“No challenge is to great”
A misspelling in the newsA school system fires an employee for a tweet correcting a student’s spelling.#misspelling#spelling··Jan 20, 2017A misspelling in the news
Bertolli’s flareFancy commercial, but they still need someone who knows the difference between “flare” and “flair .”#advertising#misspelling#spelling··Oct 23, 2016Bertolli’s flare
English teachers and spellingTimpani, or tympani?#misspelling#spelling··Sep 14, 2016English teachers and spelling
Spelling in the newsFiffty.#misspelling#spelling··Jun 10, 2016Spelling in the news
A spelling of the futureEary.#misspelling#spelling··Apr 14, 2016A spelling of the future
Spellings of the futurePoke-a-dots.#misspelling#spelling··Jan 29, 2016Spellings of the future
Spellings of the futureAs in “a smoldering cigarette bud.”#misspelling#spelling··Jan 23, 2016Spellings of the future
Aisle 16The Staples “Stationary” aisle.#misspelling#signage#spelling··Dec 30, 2015Aisle 16
Spelling in the newsIn Fresno, California, three men posing as police officers misspelled the word sheriff on their costumes.#misspelling#spelling··Sep 22, 2015Spelling in the news
Spellings of the future“Our” for “are” is one I’ve seen twice recently.#misspelling#spelling··Oct 1, 2014Spellings of the future
Grammer and spellingMark Zuckerberg, joker or misspeller?#grammar#misspelling#spelling··Aug 20, 2014Grammer and spelling
CBS homophone mishap“AMERICA’S ROLL.”#spelling#misspelling#television··Jun 4, 2014CBS homophone mishap
Spellings of the futureSelf-confidance.#misspelling#spelling··Jun 4, 2014Spellings of the future
Spellings of the futureIs it okay to where khaki shorts in a classroom? No. Not ever.#misspelling#spelling··Apr 6, 2014Spellings of the future
Levenger misspelling“Palatte.”#Levenger#misspelling#spelling··Mar 28, 2014Levenger misspelling
Common misspellingsFrom The Onion.#misspelling#spelling··Mar 28, 2014Common misspellings
Lands’ End misspellingOccassion.#misspelling#spelling··Sep 28, 2013Lands’ End misspelling
PBS misspellingIDEALOGICAL, right there on the screen.#misspelling#spelling··Sep 21, 2013PBS misspelling
A spelling of the futureAs seen at a highway rest stop.#misspelling#spelling··Aug 31, 2013A spelling of the future
Spellings of the future“Yes, we have now bananas.”#misspelling#spelling··May 8, 2013Spellings of the future
Spellings of the futureBard-wired fence.#misspelling#spelling··Jan 10, 2013Spellings of the future
Spellings of the futureMisspellings so strange that they must in fact be the spellings of the future.#misspelling#spelling#words··Oct 22, 2012Spellings of the future