If I were to read one item today about last night’s indictment, it’d be this one, by Norman Eisen, Andrew Weissmann, and Joyce Vance: “How to Convict Trump.”
Mike Pence just said that he and his wife Karen have “the three most beautiful granddaughters ever born in the history of the world.” Grandparents everywhere know that’s not true.
In the latest installment of Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson asks a pointed question: The Supreme Court, Congress, and the Tennessee statehouse. What would you say if you saw today’s news coming from another country?
From The Washington Post: “Some of the classified documents recovered by the FBI from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and private club included highly sensitive intelligence regarding Iran and China, according to people familiar with the matter.”
I wonder if anyone ever imagined that this documentary series would begin airing four days after a governor lured refugees onto buses with promises of employment and housing, and one day after a crowd raised their right arms to the defeated former president in an index-finger salute. We dismiss such cruelty and madness at our peril.
The difference between Steve Jobs’s reality-distortion field and Elizabeth Holmes’s: Jobs made people believe they could do hard things; Holmes made people believe she was doing hard things.
“History tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy. For a long time we told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it’s not. We have to defend it, protect it, stand up for it, each and every one of us. That’s why tonight I’m asking our nation to come together: unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.”
Attachment F follows Attachment E, a certification from a lawyer for the defeated former president swearing or affirming that “a diligent search” of boxes of materials removed from the White House took place and that “any and all responsive documents” accompany the certification. And then, as Steve Jobs liked to say, one more thing — just a sample of what the FBI found.
The photograph that accompanies Andrew Weissman’s New York Times commentary on the redacted affidavit says it all: the defeated former president, hatless, bronzerless, uncoiffed, at his New Jersey golf-club-cum-cemetery.
“The subpoena, issued to the National Archives in May, made a sweeping demand for “all materials, in whatever form” that the archives had given to the Jan. 6 House committee.”