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An editorial
An editorial
A New York Times editorial: “Seizing Children From Parents at the Border Is Immoral. Here’s What We Can Do About It.” Have you called your representatives in Congress yet?
An editorial
Nicholas Kristof: “It’s breathtaking to see an American president emerge as a spokesman for the dictator of North Korea.”
“Act an ASS”
“Act an ASS”
“Use your voice. Take a risk. Act an ASS.” And: “Do not obey in advance.”
“Act an ASS”
Federal employees have been assigned to tape back together the documents the president rips up.
No science
No science
“Mr. Trump is the first president since 1941 not to name a science adviser, a position created during World War II to guide the Oval Office on technical matters ranging from nuclear warfare to global pandemics.”
No science
Oh, wait, he’s speaking of South Sudan.
A theory
A theory
“This account — as bizarre as it may seem at first glance — is actually more plausible than the story leaked to the Journal, the New York Times, and CNN.”
A theory
Donald Trump is not a jazz musician
Donald Trump is not a jazz musician
Such comparisons are an insult to improvising musicians, who know what they’re doing. They may be working from a set list (of “tunes”). Or they may be engaged in collective free improvisation. Either way, they’re always working with a high degree of sympathetic understanding, attentive to and responsive to fellow players.
Donald Trump is not a jazz musician
“Thin it out”
“Thin it out”
Everything that needs to be conveyed to the President must be boiled down, the former staffer said, to “two or three points, with the syntactical complexity of ‘See Jane run.’”
“Thin it out”
And I thought the allegations were limited to alcohol, Ambien, and Percocet.
Sean Hannity’s “property empire”
Sean Hannity’s “property empire”
And here I was, thinking that Hannity was asking Michael Cohen for advice about buying that cute little split-level ranch in the new subdivision.
Sean Hannity’s “property empire”
Media decorum about brutal imaginings won’t help our democracy, or help what’s left of it.
Recently updated
Recently updated
The release of James Comey’s memos clears up a question I had about who said what.
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Cohen, Cohen, Cohen
Cohen, Cohen, Cohen
At Talking Points Memo , three pieces on Michael Cohen: 1 , 2 , 3.
Cohen, Cohen, Cohen
“Demagogues and charlatans”
“Demagogues and charlatans”
Rob Riemen: “Put demagogues and charlatans in charge, use the mass media to cultivate the belief that this leader, the antipolitical politician, is the only person who can save the country — and the constitutional, democratic institutions will disappear just as quickly as the authorities become impotent because no one believes in them anymore.”
“Demagogues and charlatans”
Not exactly a profile in courage
Not exactly a profile in courage
Our representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), commenting on the possibility of Chinese tariffs on soybeans and other crops: “I’m just a legislator.”
Not exactly a profile in courage
Impromptu in D
Impromptu in D
“Oh, Jake,” Peggy said, “we could have had such a damned good time together.”
Impromptu in D
“Facebook’s Surveillance Machine”
“Facebook’s Surveillance Machine”
Zeynep Tufekci: “A business model based on vast data surveillance and charging clients to opaquely target users based on this kind of extensive profiling will inevitably be misused.”
“Facebook’s Surveillance Machine”