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Netflix and Limbaugh
Netflix and Limbaugh
I called Netflix last night to share my thoughts on the company’s Limbaugh connection and spoke with a friendly person who offered to type, word for word, what I had to say.
Netflix and Limbaugh
Logic and marriage
Logic and marriage
Rick Santorum’s recent performance in a sparring match with college students is one small moment in the evolving story of equal marriage rights. But it’s a moment that makes me mighty angry, for three reasons.
Logic and marriage
Bravo, Ohio
Bravo, Ohio
“Republican-backed limits on collective bargaining for 360,000 public employees in Ohio were squashed by voters through a resounding defeat of Issue 2.”
Bravo, Ohio
Debit-card fee canceled
Debit-card fee canceled
It’s difficult not to think that the Occupy movement has something to do with this decision
Debit-card fee canceled
Heartlessness on parade
Heartlessness on parade
The New York law firm of Steven J. Baum, P.C. specializes in foreclosures. Joe Nocera of the New York Times has obtained photographs from the firm’s 2010 Halloween party. Disgraceful.
Heartlessness on parade
Lysistratic nonaction in the news
Lysistratic nonaction in the news
Women of two villages on the Philippine island of Mindanao have brought an end to armed conflict between their villages by refusing sex with their husbands
Lysistratic nonaction in the news