Trump’s masculinist dream is partly the stuff of a comic book (everyday fellow with secret powers, including perfect aim), partly the stuff of a New York Post headline (Retired General Takes Down Sicko).
My representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), likes to post Bible passages on Twitter. Today he posted one about hanging bodies from trees.
“Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice, and this is the fourth time we let her go.” “We”? The blurred line between reality TV and the White House could not be clearer.
“Russia-related intelligence that might draw Trump’s ire is in some cases included only in the written assessment and not raised orally”: more evidence that he’s virtually a non-reader.
The Times reports that “people close to him estimate that Mr. Trump spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television.”