Orange Caroline’s Crayons artA lovely story in words and pictures#art··Nov 19, 2009Orange Caroline’s Crayons art
The Burt Britton CollectionAuction of self-portraits by actors, artists, athletes, musicians, photographers, and writers#art#music#photography#writing··Sep 21, 2009The Burt Britton Collection
Stolen MongolsMongol pencils worth half a million pounds#art#pencils#writinginstruments#Mongol··Sep 5, 2009Stolen Mongols
A riddleAn illuminated manuscript from the second grade#art#childhood#family#life··Aug 27, 2009A riddle
DungareesFrom Caroline's Crayons, a story in ten drawings and two photographs#art#life··Aug 23, 2009Dungarees
Krugman on RockwellRight on healthcare reform, wrong about what's happening in a Norman Rockwell painting#politics#art··Aug 12, 2009Krugman on Rockwell
More from The Book of Tea"We see only our own image in the universe — our particular idiosyncrasies dictate the mode of our perceptions."#art#culture#tea··Jul 9, 2009More from The Book of Tea
The Museum of Forgotten Art SuppliesFrom the dowdy world#art#dowdyworld··Jul 9, 2009The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies
Inspector BucketFrom "Dickens' Gallery," a cigarette card series#art#fiction··Apr 9, 2009Inspector Bucket
Resemblance: The PortraitsOn portraits of Proust characters by David Richardson#Proust#art··Mar 12, 2009Resemblance: The Portraits
George Schneeman (1934–2009)New York painter, obituary and slide show#art··Jan 31, 2009George Schneeman (1934–2009)
David Levine on enjoyment"Enjoying is very important."#art#life··Jan 5, 2009David Levine on enjoyment
JANUARY (WPA Art Project)A Year of Good . . . . Reading Ahead#art#books#reading··Jan 5, 2009JANUARY (WPA Art Project)
Orange crate art (Brown)Illustration from an Encyclopedia Brown book#art#illustration#OrangeCrateArt··Nov 24, 2008Orange crate art (Brown)
Grace Hartigan (1922-2008)"Grace / to be born and live as variously as possible."#art··Nov 16, 2008Grace Hartigan (1922-2008)
Paintings and ProustA new book on paintings in In Search of Lost Time#art#Proust··Nov 2, 2008Paintings and Proust
USA ArtsStreaming shows from Channel 13#art#culture#poetry#writing··Nov 1, 2008USA Arts
A metaphor for paintingBarnett Newman on painting and baking#art#FrankO'Hara··Nov 1, 2008A metaphor for painting
Invisible ink cigarette cardFrom the New York Public Library's Digital Gallery#art#ink#writing··Nov 1, 2008Invisible ink cigarette card
Little Baby TurtleIllustrated story, unbelievably cute!#art#life··Oct 13, 2008Little Baby Turtle
John Ashbery's collagesHis first showing#JohnAshbery#art··Sep 18, 2008John Ashbery's collages
"[Y]ou feel sorry for them"Maurice Sendak on awards and honors#art#MauriceSendak··Sep 18, 2008"[Y]ou feel sorry for them"
Ben Sakoguchi's orange crate artModern culture in the form of produce crate labels#OrangeCrateArt#art··Jul 23, 2008Ben Sakoguchi's orange crate art
Orange flag artFlag by Jasper Johns. Happy Fourth of July.#art#flag··Jul 6, 2008Orange flag art
Art and frugal livingExcerpt from NPR story on older artists of modest means in NYC#art#money··Jun 20, 2008Art and frugal living
The Vacation Reading Club1939 WPA poster#books#reading#art··May 25, 2008The Vacation Reading Club
Louis Armstrong, collagistA sample of Armstrong's reel-to-reel box collages#LouisArmstrong#art··May 21, 2008Louis Armstrong, collagist
Classic Arts ShowcaseGreat free cable service#culture#art#music#television··May 17, 2008Classic Arts Showcase
By Glen Baxter"It was a device for turning school meals back into food"#art··Apr 10, 2008By Glen Baxter