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Who’s tweeting?
Who’s tweeting?
WNYC reports on Dan Scavino, Donald Trump’s social-media guy.
Who’s tweeting?
“More than his usual state of instability”
“More than his usual state of instability”
From a letter to The New York Times by Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine: “We are currently witnessing more than his usual state of instability — in fact, a pattern of decompensation: increasing loss of touch with reality, marked signs of volatility and unpredictable behavior, and an attraction to violence as a means of coping. These characteristics place our country and the world at extreme risk of danger.”
“More than his usual state of instability”
Madness, or method?
Madness, or method?
In The Washington Post, Ruth Ben-Ghiat responds to yesterday’s Daily News editorial: “Far from being lunatics, leaders such as Trump are opportunists and skilled manipulators who may change their ideas on specific policy issues without ever deviating from their main goal: the accumulation and steady expansion of their own power.”
Madness, or method?
A Daily News editorial is saying it plainly: “The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad.”
The obvious
The obvious
Figuring out that Hillary Clinton was not a great candidate.
The obvious
Scabs and banjos
Scabs and banjos
Chris Matthews, speaking of Donald Trump on Meet the Press today : “He knows he can find the issues that rip the scab off this cultural divide, and he plays it like a banjo.”
Scabs and banjos
Little Luther
Little Luther
It appears that my representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), likes to play with paper dolls. Okay. But it’s not okay to affix a paper doll to a painting that doesn’t belong to you.
Little Luther
Not “normal”
Not “normal”
Jeff Flake and I would agree about very little in the way of policy. But on one point we would agree: nothing about this presidency is normal.
Not “normal”
Close reading
Close reading
A good example of close reading, from Aaron Blake of The Washington Post.
Close reading
The art of the con
The art of the con
“The most Trumpian aspect of the executive order is that it makes life easier for con men”: Amy Davidson Sorkin writes about Donald Trump’s executive order on health care.
The art of the con
Good cop, bad cop
Good cop, bad cop
This metaphor for a Tillerson–Trump North Korea strategy is, let’s say, faulty. And not merely because there is no evidence of a coordinated strategy.
Good cop, bad cop
I’m astonished that Rex Tillerson is astonished.
Shimkus fail
Shimkus fail
My representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), has an A lifetime rating from the NRA. He leads Illinois Congressional Republicans in total contributions from the NRA. Truly, his concern about “the destruction of human life” seems limited to pre-natal life.
Shimkus fail
Too early?
Too early?
Is it still too early to be discussing gun-ownership rights? As it has been for a long time now ?
Too early?
“Very, very insensitive”
“Very, very insensitive”
Scott Pruitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, thinks that it’s inappropriate to talk about climate change right now.
“Very, very insensitive”
Another resignation
Another resignation
Javier Palomarez, president and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, has resigned from Donald Trump’s National Diversity Coalition.
Another resignation
Donald Trump’s spelling
Donald Trump’s spelling
One learns how to spell words correctly by seeing them, again and again, in print, correctly spelled. Trump is, famously, a non-reader of books, and his errors are often those of a writer who spells by ear.
Donald Trump’s spelling