“More than his usual state of instability”
From a letter to The New York Times by Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine: “We are currently witnessing more than his usual state of instability — in fact, a pattern of decompensation: increasing loss of touch with reality, marked signs of volatility and unpredictable behavior, and an attraction to violence as a means of coping. These characteristics place our country and the world at extreme risk of danger.”
Madness, or method?
In The Washington Post, Ruth Ben-Ghiat responds to yesterday’s Daily News editorial: “Far from being lunatics, leaders such as Trump are opportunists and skilled manipulators who may change their ideas on specific policy issues without ever deviating from their main goal: the accumulation and steady expansion of their own power.”
Shimkus fail
My representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), has an A lifetime rating from the NRA. He leads Illinois Congressional Republicans in total contributions from the NRA. Truly, his concern about “the destruction of human life” seems limited to pre-natal life.