Strunk and White parodyThe Elements of Press Release Style#parody#Strunk#writing#EBWhite··Sep 11, 2011Strunk and White parody
In favor of penmanshipJoanna Key favors penmanship.#handwriting#writing··Jul 28, 2011In favor of penmanship
Garner on writing in law schoolMore writing, more revision.#education#writing··Jul 24, 2011Garner on writing in law school
Theodore Dalrymple on handwritingHe draws an extreme and doubtful conclusion.#handwriting#writing··Jul 10, 2011Theodore Dalrymple on handwriting
P. S. 131 for the winA P.S. 131 student wins an essay contest.#Brooklyn#writing#PS131··Jul 8, 2011P. S. 131 for the win
The benefits of handwritingThere are many.#education#handwriting#writing··Jul 8, 2011The benefits of handwriting
Cursive writing in IndianaOn the way out.#education#handwriting#writing··Jul 7, 2011Cursive writing in Indiana
John Gruber, “Credit and Attribution”A long and thoughtful post at Daring Fireball on giving credit where credit is due.#blogging#writing··Jul 2, 2011John Gruber, “Credit and Attribution”
Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915–2011)From the New York Times obituary#travel#writing··Jun 13, 2011Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915–2011)
Patrick Leigh Fermor’s eyePatrick Leigh Fermor describes a monastic cell.#writing··Jun 5, 2011Patrick Leigh Fermor’s eye
“Death to high school English”What are they doing in high-school English?#teaching#writing#BryanGarner··May 15, 2011“Death to high school English”
Review: How to Write a SentenceAdam Haslett’s cover blurb presents the book as a worthy successor to an earlier classroom text: “Both deeper and more democratic than The Elements of Style.” I’d welcome such a book, but How to Write a Sentence is nothing of the sort.#sentences#writing··May 13, 2011Review: How to Write a Sentence
How to improve writing (no. 35)“What does it mean to have a body like an elephant, but ‘much more so’?“#howtoimprove#writing··Apr 23, 2011How to improve writing (no. 35)
Moleskine app“To my mind, the design involves the same analog-to-digital mistake that Apple’s Notes app makes.”#analog#digital#iPad#iPhone#technology#writing··Apr 21, 2011Moleskine app
Secret writing, 1917–1918From 1917-1918, recipes for invisible ink and directions for opening sealed letters without detection#writing··Apr 21, 2011Secret writing, 1917–1918
How to improve writing (no. 34)“Visiting guests.”#howtoimprove#writing··Apr 19, 2011How to improve writing (no. 34)
The earliest writing in Europe3,350 years old#writing··Apr 5, 2011The earliest writing in Europe
How to improve writing (no. 33)A comma semicolonized, from Infinite Jest#DavidFosterWallace#howtoimprove#writing··Feb 10, 2011How to improve writing (no. 33)
NoteSlate“[Y]ou will love the wooden feeling of writing or drawing.”#technology#writing··Feb 4, 2011NoteSlate
Three centuries of diariesAt the Morgan Library & Museum#writing#diaries··Jan 25, 2011Three centuries of diaries
Adam Wheeler, prose stylistHere is a perfect example of what Michael Harvey’s The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing calls “the pompous style.”#academia#writing··Dec 30, 2010Adam Wheeler, prose stylist
E-mail and punctuationThe effects of punctuation, typos, and voice on reader-response#e-mail#writing··Dec 30, 2010E-mail and punctuation
How to improve writing (no. 32)A passage from the book Higher Education?#howtoimprove#writing··Dec 14, 2010How to improve writing (no. 32)
How to improve writing (no. 31)Avoid dangling modifiers.#howtoimprove#writing··Nov 24, 2010How to improve writing (no. 31)
David Foster Wallace's senior yearTwo theses, lots of typing#DavidFosterWallace#writing··Nov 18, 2010David Foster Wallace's senior year
A voice from a term-paper millWriting other people's papers#cheating#college#education#faculty#students#teaching#writing··Nov 18, 2010A voice from a term-paper mill
How to improve writing (no. 30)A sentence from the New York Times#howtoimprove#writing··Nov 11, 2010How to improve writing (no. 30)
Stephen Sondheim's writing habitsBlackwings and legal pads#Blackwing#paper#pencils#writing#StephenSondheim··Nov 11, 2010Stephen Sondheim's writing habits
How to improve writing (no. 29)Rewriting Verizon's prose#howtoimprove#writing#Verizon··Sep 9, 2010How to improve writing (no. 29)
The new Blackwing pencilAn extended review, with photographs#Blackwing#pencils#writing#writinginstruments··Aug 31, 2010The new Blackwing pencil