Bad heartless analogy of the dayMike Huckabee at work#analogy#culture··Oct 24, 2010Bad heartless analogy of the day
"How to Be Artsy,' and Mean It"By Mark Branaman and David Foster Wallace#culture··Oct 6, 2010"How to Be Artsy,' and Mean It"
Philippe Petit on the past and present tensesOn the World Trade Center#culture#memory#WorldTradeCenter#9/11··Oct 5, 2010Philippe Petit on the past and present tenses
Andrew Sullivan, telling it like it isOn frenzied zealotry#culture··Oct 5, 2010Andrew Sullivan, telling it like it is
Labor DayA Jack Delano photograph, from the Library of Congress#culture#photography··Sep 7, 2010Labor Day
Recently updatedTwo posts, added to#RogerEbert#culture#politics··Sep 7, 2010Recently updated
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August 28, 1963A march on Washington#culture#MartinLutherKing··Aug 31, 2010August 28, 1963
Timothy Egan and Leonard Pitts, Jr. on American ignoranceOur dumb 21st century#culture··Aug 31, 2010Timothy Egan and Leonard Pitts, Jr. on American ignorance
Bravo, Dick CavettSpeaking about what the United States is really about#culture··Aug 31, 2010Bravo, Dick Cavett
Re: the Beloit Mindset ListReally troubling assumptions about reality and young adults#college#culture#memory#time··Aug 20, 2010Re: the Beloit Mindset List
Well said, Daughter Number ThreeEighteen percent of Americans make me tired#culture··Aug 20, 2010Well said, Daughter Number Three
Consider Frank RyanA cautionary tale#culture#technology··Aug 20, 2010Consider Frank Ryan
Pete Seeger sings of the BP oil spillA new song#culture#music#PeteSeeger··Aug 12, 2010Pete Seeger sings of the BP oil spill
The all-in-one roomMid-20th-century living, with Mary and Russel Wright#culture#design#dowdyworld··Aug 12, 2010The all-in-one room
Easier living with Mary and Russel WrightModern living, mid-20th-century#culture#design#dowdyworld··Aug 12, 2010Easier living with Mary and Russel Wright
Newsstand paperweightsVanishing material culture#Americana#culture··Jul 18, 2010Newsstand paperweights
American onesOne-hundred voices for the Fourth of July#culture#music#singers··Jul 11, 2010American ones
At least he didn't attempt to explain it as "a poor choice of words."At least General Stanley McChrystal hasn’t attempted to explain his remarks to Rolling Stone as “a poor choice of words,” the usual fallbac...#culture#language#politics··Jun 24, 2010At least he didn't attempt to explain it as "a poor choice of words."
Narcissism and overconfidenceAnd college students#college#culture#narcissism#students#teaching··Jun 24, 2010Narcissism and overconfidence
Review, Made by HandReview of Mark Frauenfelder's book#books#culture··Jun 9, 2010Review, Made by Hand
Gummies for grown-upsVitamin gummies for grown-ups. Oh, grow up.#childhood#culture··May 23, 2010Gummies for grown-ups
Studs Terkel interviews, coming onlineRadio interviews for WFMT#culture#radio··May 18, 2010Studs Terkel interviews, coming online
Leslie Buck (1922-2010)Designer of NYC's "Greek" coffee cup#coffee#culture#Greek#NewYorkCity··May 2, 2010Leslie Buck (1922-2010)
In praise of shyness"At the very least, if you're shy, you're never bored."#culture··Apr 24, 2010In praise of shyness
Ray LaHood and bicyclesProgressive transportation policies#culture··Apr 16, 2010Ray LaHood and bicycles
Digital naïfs"Many so-called digital natives are in truth digital naïfs. The natives’ naïveté is considerable."#computers#culture#digital#life··Mar 23, 2010Digital naïfs
End of the U.S. sardine industryThe last cannery closes.#culture#food#sardines··Feb 20, 2010End of the U.S. sardine industry