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OMG and others
OMG and others
From Oxford University Press, nine words that are older than you might think. Or eight words and one acronym.
OMG and others
The mere fact
The mere fact
The deaths of civilians in war ought never to be considered a mere fact.
The mere fact
Craft vogue
Craft vogue
When everything from poems to pot to munchies is crafted, it’s time to say “vogue word” and move on.
Craft vogue
Oliver Sacks (1933–2015)
Oliver Sacks (1933–2015)
“Language, that most human invention, can enable what, in principle, should not be possible. It can allow all of us, even the congenitally blind, to see with another person’s eyes.”
Oliver Sacks (1933–2015)
Word of the day: gazype
Word of the day: gazype
“Hey, look, you say this is on the up-and-up? Well, I don’t want to spit in no cop’s eye. If you’re hooked up with this, there's some kind of a gazype in it.”
Word of the day: gazype
Doff, don
Doff, don
Could the verbs doff and don be related to the prepositions off and on ?
Doff, don
The honorific Mx
The honorific Mx
The gender-neutral title Mx may be joining the honorifics Miss , Mr , Mrs  and Ms in the Oxford English Dictionary.
The honorific Mx
Blond and blonde
Blond and blonde
Merrill Perlman explains the difference, if there is one.
Blond and blonde
Artisan, no
Artisan, no
Indiscriminate and cynical use has made artisan and artisanal into worsened words.
Artisan, no