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Rip and run
Rip and run
Omar robs drug dealers, but “rip and run” has a much broader meaning.
Rip and run
From The Noun Project
From The Noun Project
The Noun Project aims to create “a visual language of icons anyone can understand.”
From The Noun Project
Remedy that?
Remedy that?
Remedy that?
Railing against vogue words
Railing against vogue words
When I read or hear this sort of railing against words, I have greater sympathy for the exasperation with which linguists regard prescriptivist attitudes toward language. But not all careful thinking about one’s words is nonsense.
Railing against vogue words
A house is not a home
A house is not a home
I winced this morning to hear the newsreader at our NPR member-station refer to our new governor Bruce Rauner’s “nine homes.”
A house is not a home
Our words, our selves
Our words, our selves
Barbara Wallraff: “With our words — particularly our written words, or words that we have written down before we say them — we can be our best selves, and even selves better than our actual best.”
Our words, our selves
Looking up salve
Looking up salve
Even though the l is silent, the word must come from the Latin salvāre , no? Some idea of saving, healing, making whole, no? No.
Looking up salve
Food and the dictionary
Food and the dictionary
“The adoption of ethnic food words into English is an excellent proxy for the moment our culture embraces these foreign foodstuffs as our own.”
Food and the dictionary
Ending a sentence with it
Ending a sentence with it
I’ve been told of other such rules: many students come to college believing that they must never begin a sentence with and, but, or because. The it-rule though is new to me.
Ending a sentence with it
“Non-native speakers are rightly confused by leash-curb, thinking it’s a genuine word, not realizing that it’s a matter of inept punctuation by someone who should know better.”
Scott Pelley, phallologocentrist
Scott Pelley, phallologocentrist
“This post’s title is a joke, out of all proportion to the moment. But the language of ‘man’ and ‘mankind’ is absurdly out of date.”
Scott Pelley, phallologocentrist