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Things to do on Friday
Things to do on Friday
I too would like to think that changing the channel or turning off the television will somehow bruise a certain outsize ego. But it’s not happening.
Things to do on Friday
New Koch
New Koch
The New York Times reports on Charles and David Koch’s efforts to promote fossil fuels by winning over minority voters.
New Koch
Deep story, deep resentment
Deep story, deep resentment
It’s still remarkable to me that any resident of a town that depends upon a public university for its economic well-being would not be troubled to see that university in decline. It’s like cheering as your own house burns.
Deep story, deep resentment
Caroline, no!
Caroline, no!
Billboard reports that the Beach Boys are considering an invitation to perform at an upcoming presidential inauguration.
Caroline, no!
The Manchurian Candidate was made into a film in 1962 and 2004. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to miss the joke.
No TV news
No TV news
I dread what the next four years might mean for my country, but I don’t need a television to know about it.
No TV news
A new rubric
A new rubric
“Because I can no longer claim with any credibility that reading, writing, and critical thinking are essential skills for 21st-century success, I have revised the grading rubric for your papers accordingly.”
A new rubric
Lies and inconsistencies
Lies and inconsistencies
At Daring Fireball, John Gruber unpacks the lies and illogicalities in a three-sentence statement from the president-elect’s transition team: 235 words to parse just 42.
Lies and inconsistencies
Not O. K.
Not O. K.
“It’s important to remember that, for example, in Russia, for the first year of when Vladimir Putin came to power, everybody was thinking that it will be O.K.”: Nadya Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot.
Not O. K.