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A moment of puzzled self-promotion
A moment of puzzled self-promotion
“I have no idea what it means, but Teads Labs ranks Orange Crate Art as forty-ninth of one hundred top blogs for culture in May 2015.”
A moment of puzzled self-promotion
Why I (still) blog
Why I (still) blog
“I (still) blog, and I still write letters (with a fountain pen), and I still wear an analog watch (Timex). That fewer and fewer people do so makes no difference to me. My writing practice here is, to use a Van Dyke Parks phrase, of supreme unimportance . One can read that phrase with emphasis on the third word or the second.”
Why I (still) blog
Happy tenth birthday, Orange Crate Art
Happy tenth birthday, Orange Crate Art
“Running and jumping and playing, showing greater self-control and poise, enjoying social activities with peers, noticing increased body odor: yes, Orange Crate Art is at an exciting age.”
Happy tenth birthday, Orange Crate Art
Blog typography
Blog typography
Tommi Kaikkonen’s Interactive Guide to Blog Typography is worth reading. Especially useful are the recommendations about line length and font color.
Blog typography
Some recent comments
Some recent comments
“The more I read and write, the more I ascribe to Elaine Fine’s theory of knowledge: ‘What I know is rivaled only by what I do not know.’”
Some recent comments
StatCounter is the best
StatCounter is the best
“I’m happy to support a company so responsive to its customers.”
StatCounter is the best
“To write, though, is not to sniff for what’s popular but to keep one’s nose to the ground — and to follow wherever it leads.”
Happy birthday, Orange Crate Art
Happy birthday, Orange Crate Art
“I remember as if it were eight years ago sitting at the fambly Dell after dinner and getting advice from my daughter Rachel about how to begin.”
Happy birthday, Orange Crate Art
YouTube and me
YouTube and me
Did you know that if you embed or link to YouTube clips on your site, Google might create a “channel” that collects the relevant content?
YouTube and me
Welcome, millionth visitor
Welcome, millionth visitor
In the Major Leagues of the Internets, a million visits is all in a few days’ work. Here in Double-A, it’s a big deal.
Welcome, millionth visitor
Avoiding CAPTCHA
Avoiding CAPTCHA
Blogger’s updated, more difficult word-verification gizmos (aka CAPTCHAs) are tedious at best. Sometimes they’re unreadable.
Avoiding CAPTCHA
Re: Curator’s Code
Re: Curator’s Code
Marco Arment’s “I’m not a ‘curator’” offers an excellent analysis of Maria Popova’s Curator’s Code.
Re: Curator’s Code