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“By the Book,” now with a link to questions and answers from another blogger.
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Dover Books
Dover Books
The story of the publisher.
Dover Books
Books as armor
Books as armor
I was accumulating books as armor, as protection, as certification that I belonged in the academic world I aspired to enter. I didn’t wear my armor: it just sat on shelves at home, where it could come in handy as needed.
Books as armor
Saving Barnes & Noble
Saving Barnes & Noble
The New York Times profiles James Daunt, founder of Daunt Books and managing director of the Waterstones bookstore chain. He is soon to leave London for New York to serve as the new chief executive at Barnes & Noble.
Saving Barnes & Noble
College these days
College these days
You can find nuance in this piece from The Chronicle of Higher Education if you like, but here’s the bottom line: a professor invited his students to read a book — a “physical book” — for extra credit.
College these days
NYRB sale
NYRB sale
New York Review Books is having a twentieth-anniversary sale.
NYRB sale
University libraries and their books
University libraries and their books
“University libraries around the world are seeing precipitous declines in the use of the books on their shelves”: Dan Cohen, Vice Provost for Information Collaboration at Northeastern University, writing in The Atlantic.
University libraries and their books
An exceptionally good episode of the podcast 99% Invisible: “Weeding Is Fundamental,” on library deaccessioning gone wrong.
FSRC: annual report
FSRC: annual report
The Four Seasons Reading Club, our household’s two-person adventure in reading, just finished its fourth year.
FSRC: annual report
NYRB sale
NYRB sale
Half off on selected books.
NYRB sale
Books about notebooks
Books about notebooks
The promises that books about notebooks make are appealing: follow this system to greater autonomy, creativity, and peace of mind. But I balk at the idea of reading a book to learn how to keep a notebook.
Books about notebooks
“Hands off my piles”
“Hands off my piles”
When it comes to books, Ron Charles disagrees with Marie Kondo about tidying up.
“Hands off my piles”
NYRB covers
NYRB covers
From the Los Angeles Times : Aida Ylanan analyzes the covers of 500 New York Review Books Classics.
NYRB covers
Writing and money
Writing and money
“Writing has never been a lucrative career choice, but a recent study by the Authors Guild, a professional organization for book writers, shows that it may not even be a livable one anymore”: from a New York Times article about whether it pays to be a writer.
Writing and money
Out of copyright
Out of copyright
The challenge for many readers will be to find trustworthy non-sketchy editions. Amazon makes that task more difficult than it should be. A bookstore might be a better place to look.
Out of copyright
P Is for Pterodactyl
P Is for Pterodactyl
Good clean fun for the nerdish young: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever.
P Is for Pterodactyl
A home entertainment system
A home entertainment system
Ammon Shea: “The fact that my shelves are filled with things I haven’t yet read and want to, and things that I’ve read before and want to revisit, means I will never be at a loss for entertainment at home.”
A home entertainment system
A meeting of the minds
A meeting of the minds
Another step toward what I call the reality-TV-ification of everything : today’s Donald Trump–Kanye West meeting. How glorious to have two proud non-readers of books in the Oval Office at the same time.
A meeting of the minds
FSRC: annual report
FSRC: annual report
The Four Seasons Reading Club, our household’s two-person adventure in reading, just finished its third year.
FSRC: annual report