It's Buy Indie DaySupporting independent bookstores#books#bookstores··May 2, 2009It's Buy Indie Day
Buy Indie DayFriday, May 1, supporting independent bookstores#books#bookstores··Apr 29, 2009Buy Indie Day
Goodbye, Pages for All AgesA bookstore gone#books#bookstores#Illinois··Feb 12, 2009Goodbye, Pages for All Ages
Jack Cella on decent bookstoresThe general manager of Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores: "If you're in a decent bookstore, you can look at any shelf and realize how little you know."#bookstores#books··Dec 29, 2008Jack Cella on decent bookstores
Sem Co-op snags PenguinsChicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstore succeeds in obtaining Penguin's Great Ideas paperbacks, third series, not published in the U.S.#books#bookstores··Oct 4, 2008Sem Co-op snags Penguins
Borders Books and Music in troubleFrom an article in tomorrow's New York Times : Struggling against both online and big-box retailers, the Borders Group, the bookseller, sai...#books#bookstores#reading··Mar 21, 2008Borders Books and Music in trouble
Two great bookstoresThe Seminary Co-op Bookstore and 57th Street Books in Hyde Park, Chicago, are two great bookstores. They do not offer coffee. They do not of...#bookstores··Nov 18, 2007Two great bookstores
Bookstore musicThe marketing of Norah Jones#attention#bookstores··Feb 2, 2007Bookstore music