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Blanchett’s OED
Blanchett’s OED
It’s not just Tom Hanks. Cate Blanchett, too, has the twenty-volume second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary on her bookshelves.
Blanchett’s OED
Hanks’s OED
Hanks’s OED
Tom Hanks has the twenty-volume second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary on his bookshelves. As seen on Saturday Night Live tonight.
Hanks’s OED
Johnson on bribery
Johnson on bribery
In today’s impeachment hearing, Jonathan Turley cited definitions of “high,” “crime,” and “misdemeanor” from Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary. Pamela S. Karlan then added the definition of the word Turley left out — “bribery,” which appears in the 1792 edition of the Dictionary.
Johnson on bribery
The TLL continues
The TLL continues
The work of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae is ongoing. The New York Times has a report, with photographs.
The TLL continues
Speeding up the Mac dictionary
Speeding up the Mac dictionary
Also because it’s National Dictionary Day: How to make your Mac’s dictionary popup way, way faster, from Cult of Mac.
Speeding up the Mac dictionary
Merriam-Webster and they
Merriam-Webster and they
There’s no doubt that it is an established member of the English language, which means that it belongs in Merriam-Webster’s dictionaries.
Merriam-Webster and they
“Dictionaries at War”
“Dictionaries at War”
Merriam-Webster tells the story of the Armed Services Edition of Webster’s New Handy Dictionary.
“Dictionaries at War”
The Value of the Dictionary
The Value of the Dictionary
My son Ben spotted this thirty-three-page pamphlet in a basket of teacherly ephemera at an antiques mall. He knew I’d love it. Thank you, Ben.
The Value of the Dictionary