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David Barringer on books
David Barringer on books
"A book is like a body part, and when you die and your connection to the book is broken, the book dies a little, too."
David Barringer on books
No Kindle for me
No Kindle for me
"The craving for content-on-demand seems to miss the ways in which one might want to go back to a book — one's own copy of it — over time, as it accumulates annotations, as it begins to show wear, as it turns into a record of one's reading and one's life experience. And how does one inscribe a gift book on the Kindle?"
No Kindle for me
Penguin's not so great idea
Penguin's not so great idea
Penguin's Great Books, third series, won't be published in the U.S. But there may still be a not too expensive way to get the books.
Penguin's not so great idea
Penguin's Great Ideas
Penguin's Great Ideas
Excerpt from review of Peguin's Great Ideas paperbacks, third series, with links to photos of the covers
Penguin's Great Ideas
Note to self re: bookbuying
Note to self re: bookbuying
Many times in the past two years, I've bought just-out hardcover non-fiction and been hugely disappointed, sometimes by the ideas, sometimes...
Note to self re: bookbuying