“The Justice Department is investigating President Donald Trump’s actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to four people familiar with the matter.”
Timothy Snyder: “A second coup is being planned in America. Like the first one it will fail if it is attempted — but it will fail in a different way, by breaking the country apart. America will not survive without self-rule, and I fear it is unlikely to survive a second attempt to take it away.”
From a 1958 movie: “Millions of people being lied to, taken for suckers. You know, it's a funny thing: they have pure food and drug laws to keep people from buying poison to put in their stomachs. And you're peddling poison to put in their minds.”
Adam Kinzinger (R, IL-16): “Oaths matter. Character matters. Truth matters.” Harmonizes nicely with what Representative Adam Schiff (D, CA-28) said in 2020.
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) raising a clenched fist for the crowd (not yet mob) at the U.S. Capitol. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) running down a Capitol hallway, then down a flight of stairs, fleeing to safety.
“You guys may not be following the Internet the way I do”: Donald Trump, pushing his Department of Justice to investigate a conspiracy theory about Italian satellites changing votes for him to votes for Joe Biden.
“There is nowhere I feel safe, nowhere. Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you? The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target one. But he targeted me, Lady Ruby, a small-business owner, a mother, a proud American citizen, who’d stand up to help Fulton County run an election in the middle of the pandemic.”
Retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig, at today’s hearing of the January 6 committee: “Retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig, at today’s hearing of the January 6 committee.”
Somehow an e-mail address that I haven’t used in years made its way to the Trump world. So I’ve been getting grifting messages, even during this morning’s January 6 hearing.
The Trump-created so-called “Official Election Defense Fund” — which did not in fact exist — channeled donor contributions to the Save America PAC, which in turn channeled funds to a charitable organization run by Mark Meadows, to the company that managed the January 6 rally, and to — wait for it — Trump hotels.
William Barr, on what he was thinking during a meeting with his then-employer about alleged election fraud: “He’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff.” And yet he, and all the others, kept quiet when they could have spoken out.
Donald Trump was at the center of this conspiracy”: Representative Bennie Thompson (D, MS-2). “There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain”: Representative Liz Cheney (R, WY).
Q Okay. Just so I understand, Dr. Eastman, you're invoking your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination to question whether this opinion and commentary piece with the byline John C. Eastman, you’re invoking the Fifth Amendment right to not answer that question? A On advice of counsel, I’m invoking the Fifth.