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Thanks to the dictionaries
Thanks to the dictionaries
Dictionary work: a crucial factor in a federal court’s decision this week to allow an emoluments-clause lawsuit against Donald Trump to proceed.
Thanks to the dictionaries
M-W sentence challenge
M-W sentence challenge
“In the name of federalism, show some empathy, or at least some syzygy, you complicit gaffe-prone dotard,” the hurricane warned, “before I turn you into a gyro platter and recuse myself!”
M-W sentence challenge
New AHD entries
New AHD entries
Burner, saltimbocca, GOAT: among the additions this year to the American Heritage Dictionary.
New AHD entries
Review: Word by Word
Review: Word by Word
Kory Stamper’s Word by Word does for lexicography what Mary Norris’s Between You & Me does for copyediting: it makes visible the work, the worker, and the workplace.
Review: Word by Word
Word of the day: heirloom
Word of the day: heirloom
Long story short: an heirloom isn’t a weaving machine, nor is it something looming in the distance. Nor is it related to Erroll Garner, though the rights to “Misty” would be quite a heirloom.
Word of the day: heirloom
OMG and others
OMG and others
From Oxford University Press, nine words that are older than you might think. Or eight words and one acronym.
OMG and others
Food and the dictionary
Food and the dictionary
“The adoption of ethnic food words into English is an excellent proxy for the moment our culture embraces these foreign foodstuffs as our own.”
Food and the dictionary