“New York Times book-reviewer Michiko Kakutani is known for her frequent (some might say too frequent) use of the verb ‘limn.’ Nearly as frequent is her use of the adjective ‘messy.’”
From a dream: “a gesture, utterance, or choice of apparel whose degree of formality exceeds what is appropriate to an occasion, typically a result of social uncertainty.”
“Delve, -flecked, get (as in ‘So-and-so gets it,’ meaning that So-and-so sees things as you do), helm (as a noun or verb, unless you’re at sea, literally), limn, the planet (as in ‘on the planet’), tome.”
Several years ago I came to realize that I misunderstood the meaning of the word nonplussed. So I am amused to see David Foster Wallace using the word correctly in his first novel, The Broom of the System.