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“I heart my dogs [sic] head”
“I heart my dogs [sic] head”
Numerous news items on heart state that the OED had added the symbol ♥. Not so. It’s a new definition of the verb heart that has been added.
“I heart my dogs [sic] head”
I was (and am) very happy about hitting upon that phrasal adjective, which, as far as I could tell, had never been applied to the Blackwing pencil. (And then borrowed without attribution by California Cedar.)
An inappropriate word in a Blogger-generated URL
The plural of Prius, continued
The plural of Prius, continued
“Unlike, say, campus, prius is a Latin adjective and adverb, not a noun. And Prius is not a Latin word; it’s the name of a car. Priuses makes better sense to the eye and ear, at least to my eye and ear.”
The plural of Prius, continued
Close reading Taco Bell
Close reading Taco Bell
“Two things strike me here: the verb to start (‘We start with 100 percent USDA-inspected beef’) and the identification of oats and soy as seasoning.”
Close reading Taco Bell
Information and its discontents
Information and its discontents
Pick a field, any field, and think of people who are competent in it: are they “retaining information”? No: they know stuff.
Information and its discontents
Google and Caps Lock
Google and Caps Lock
"I don’t think the absence of Caps Lock is a step toward the disappearance of capital letters — like, say, the G in Google."
Google and Caps Lock