Just one lookI’ve always loved the end of Odyssey 16. Odysseus and Telemachus are out in the country when Odysseus (in disguise as a beggar) and Telemac...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Just one look
“Kchaou!”In Odyssey 17, Penelope voices her hope for vengeance against the suitors, and her son immediately sneezes. Telemachus’ sneeze is an omen f...#Homer#translation·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006“Kchaou!”
All Day Permanent RedMy review of Christopher Logue’s All Day Permanent Red: The First Battle Scenes of Homer's Iliad Rewritten , published in World Literature ...#Homer#poetry·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006All Day Permanent Red
Football : baseball :: Iliad : OdysseyI woke up this morning remembering one of the lines from George Carlin’s football v. baseball routine and realizing that it provides a good ...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Football : baseball :: Iliad : Odyssey
Quiet pleaseFrom an article in today's Washington Post on materials used in federally funded abstinence-only programs: Some course materials cited in ...#Homer#culture·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Quiet please
Homer everywhereFrom The End: Hamburg 1943 , by Hans Erich Nossack, translated by Joel Agee, an eyewitness account of the firebombing of Hamburg: A few airp...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Homer everywhere
NostosFrom a New York Times article on the difficulties of returning veterans: The nation's hard-pressed health care system for veterans is faci...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Nostos
Not dead yet[Last words for English 2601, Backgrounds of Western Literature] When an interviewer asked the poet David Shapiro to name his favorite liv...#Homer#books·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Not dead yet
Words for those on the road[Last words for English 3009, Myth and Culture] The ancient Greek word for “truth,” alēthia , literally means “that which is not forgotten.”...#Homer#books#film·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Words for those on the road
Odysseus and odiumFrom the word-a-day list offered by wordsmith.org : odium (O-dee-uhm) noun 1. Hatred accompanied by contempt. 2. A state of infamy...#Homer#words·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Odysseus and odium
Stanley Lombardo interview3009 students: You can find the text of an interview with Stanley Lombardo in this issue of Jacket , an on-line poetry magazine. Much of...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Stanley Lombardo interview
#1 COMEDY OF ALL TIME!Those were the words (all caps) on the cardboard displays filled with copies of Troy . Thanks to my son Ben, who has a fine eye for the ...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006#1 COMEDY OF ALL TIME!
Don't eat the yellow snowSomehow I think that Odysseus (engineer of a clever exit from Polyphemus' cave) would be impressed by this guy: A Slovak man trapped in his ...#Homer#Odyssey·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Don't eat the yellow snow
Odysseus and UlyssesOdysseus, in Book 10 of Stanley Lombardo's Odyssey : "We're in a really tight spot." Ulysses Everett McGill, trapped in the burning barn in ...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Odysseus and Ulysses
Ithaca?From BBC News: An amateur British archaeologist says he has located Ithaca, the homeland of Homer's legendary hero Odysseus. Robert Bittlest...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Ithaca?
Whose Homer?(for Stefan Hagemann) I'm teaching the Iliad again, in Stanley Lombardo's 1997 translation, and we just hit a line that always sticks in ...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Whose Homer?
Pope's shieldFor my 2601 students: From the British Library, an extract from Alexander Pope's draft translation of the Iliad , with Pope's sketch of Ach...#Homer·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 1, 2006Pope's shield