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Scratchpad for macOS
Scratchpad for macOS
Adds a scratchpad to the menu bar or the Today widget.
Scratchpad for macOS
DropCopy for Mac and iOS
DropCopy for Mac and iOS
DropCopy and DropCopy Mobile allow for easy transfer of files and folders between Macs, iPads, and iPhones on the same network. If your Mac is too old to for AirDrop with your phone, use DropCopy.
DropCopy for Mac and iOS
Turbo Boost Switcher
Turbo Boost Switcher
A tiny app that enables or disables OS X’s Turbo Boost.
Turbo Boost Switcher
For Mac, from Devon Technologies.
A free Mac app from Devon Technologies.
Recently updated
Recently updated
TextExpander, a price cut and other changes.
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ImageOptim is a free app for Mac that applies lossless compression to images.
A useful tool for those who write online: GTmetrix clocks the speed at which a webpage loads and gives recommendations to make things faster.
OS X El Capitan
OS X El Capitan
Things haven’t felt this good on my Mac since 10.8 (Mountain Lion). But an old bug remains.
OS X El Capitan
The Mac app Acorn
The Mac app Acorn
A far friendlier app than the free (and, like Acorn, powerful) GIMP.
The Mac app Acorn
A wonderful Mac app.
iPhoto lives
iPhoto lives
If you prefer Apple’s iPhoto to the new Photos app (as I do), you should know that it’s still possible to use iPhoto in OS X 10.10.3.
iPhoto lives
A tiny free app to sort Safari bookmarks.
Recently updated
Recently updated
A Yosemite bug. Fixed? No, still broken.
Recently updated
X does not mark the spot
X does not mark the spot
It happened again: holding a MacBook Pro in front of me to show some photographs to students, I ended up touching the screen to close out the slideshow.
X does not mark the spot
µBlock for Safari
µBlock for Safari
Raymond Hill’s ad-blocking extension.
µBlock for Safari
Paparazzi!, an OS X app
Paparazzi!, an OS X app
Paparazzi! takes a shot of the page, not the screen, saving the work of stitching screenshots into a larger whole.
Paparazzi!, an OS X app
Another Yosemite bug
Another Yosemite bug
“It’s more and more difficult to agree that ‘It just works.’”
Another Yosemite bug
A Yosemite bug
A Yosemite bug
“I called Apple with a problem, and it turns out that I had discovered a Yosemite bug. Call it sempervirens.”
A Yosemite bug
Rolling up Mac windows.