“Just one rock”“When it comes to rocks, all you think about is three!”#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 30, 2020“Just one rock”
“What’s he doing?!”Zippy ignores three rocks.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 16, 2020“What’s he doing?!”
Ernie, Nancy, and ExactPicThe graphic designer Khoi Vinh has created ExactPic, a free tool made of shortcuts for editing images in iOS and iPadOS. Resize, crop, frame, and save. Amazing: I can finally tinker with images on my iPhone as I do on my Mac.#comics#iOS#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 25, 2020Ernie, Nancy, and ExactPic
Bushmiller, drawn drawingToday’s Zippy is an exercise in Bushmillerian Ovidian metamorphosis.#comics#Nancy#Ovid#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 29, 2020Bushmiller, drawn drawing
Some votesWhich is it better to be, Bogie or Sluggo? In today’s Zippy, Zippy and Griffy try both.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 16, 2020Some votes
マンホール蓋Today’s Zippy takes us to Japan, where manhole covers are things of beauty.#art#comics#Zippy#design·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 28, 2020マンホール蓋
Soaking up litNicholson Baker and Virgil Partch.#comics#literature#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 20, 2020Soaking up lit
“Infinite rocks”In today’s Zippy, way too many rocks.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 23, 2020“Infinite rocks”
Comic strips in a pandemicThe New York Times looks at comics in the time of the coronavirus.#comics#Nancy#Zippy#COVID-19·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 4, 2020Comic strips in a pandemic
“It isn’t over — he is”Today’s Zippy, timely yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, &c.#comics#politics#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 20, 2020“It isn’t over — he is”
“Nov shmoz ka pop?”In today’s Zippy, a catchphrase spoken by a character in Gene Ahern’s comic strip The Squirrel Cage.#comics#Zippy#squirrels·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 7, 2020“Nov shmoz ka pop?”
“The Zone”Filling a fountain pen, riding a train, saying “Parcheesi,” and smelling a kneaded eraser.#comics#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 24, 2020“The Zone”
“Ceci n’est pas un président”Hat, valise, eye, president: today’s Zippy offers variations on a theme by René Magritte.#comics#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 24, 2020“Ceci n’est pas un président”
Today’s ZippyToday’s Zippy feels like a cross between Bill Griffith and Roz Chast.#comics#RozChast#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 24, 2020Today’s Zippy
“Nancy?” “Sluggo!”Today’s Zippy is a flurry of choices: column A/column B, blue state/red state, iPhone/Android, Nancy/Sluggo.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 24, 2020“Nancy?” “Sluggo!”
GardolA fleeting reference in Zippy. What is it? I had to find out.#advertising#comics#dowdyworld#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 11, 2020Gardol
Some madeleinesZippy, Ernie Bushmiller, and Proust.#comics#Nancy#Proust#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 8, 2020Some madeleines
Some ChristmasToday’s Zippy is devoted to list-making. With a guest star.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 25, 2019Some Christmas
Today’s TiconderogaIn today’s Zippy, cartoonist Conrad Nervig seeks a new career. Stand by for the Dixon Ticonderoga no. 2.#comics#pencils#DixonTiconderoga#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 25, 2019Today’s Ticonderoga
“Hello? Is this 1973?”In today’s Zippy, pay phones, postcards, and letters. The post title is Zippy speaking into a broken pay phone.#comics#dowdyworld#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 24, 2019“Hello? Is this 1973?”
Word of the day: franistanFranistan, kravistate, and Zippy.#comics#words#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 21, 2019Word of the day: franistan
Humor, humanity, a lawsuit, and ...Sluggo.#comics#Nancy#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 3, 2019Humor, humanity, a lawsuit, and ...
Zippy PsycheThe symbol of White Rock soda.#advertising#comics#dowdyworld#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Oct 4, 2019Zippy Psyche
Word of the day: dandy rollThe name Dandyroll Washbasin comes from Bill Griffith’s imagination and knowledge of papermaking.#comics#paper#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 12, 2019Word of the day: dandy roll
“Fountain pen nostalgia”“What did people click before th’ Bic?” Zippy wants to know. And Griffy begins to explain fountain pens.#comics#pens#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 3, 2019“Fountain pen nostalgia”
Zippy MeadowsAudrey Meadows appears in today’s Zippy.#comics#Honeymooners#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 30, 2019Zippy Meadows
The Honeymooners and ZippyAnd The Flintstones and Seinfeld.#comics#Zippy#Honeymooners·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 1, 2019The Honeymooners and Zippy
Masonic ToadPerry Mason in Zippy.#comics#PerryMason#television#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 26, 2019Masonic Toad
Drapes, Pop-Tarts, impeachmentFrom Zippy. Kitchen-table issues.#comics#Zippy·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 22, 2019Drapes, Pop-Tarts, impeachment