Talia, nine months old
Talia, on the move
Talia, eight months old
“The ‘Desert Island’ Explained”
A young (ten?) artist’s explanation of a standard cartooning premise.
FSRC: annual report
The Four Seasons Reading Club, our household’s two-person adventure in reading, just finished its third year.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
One, two, three, four, five, six
Things to do in Los Angeles
Things to do in Los Angeles
One, two, three, four, five
Boolean days
how many families have reinvented Boolean operators when playing the children’s game Guess Who?
One, two, three, four
One, two, three
If the book fits
Infinite Jest and Jumperoo.
LA to Vegas (all in the fambly)
Our son-in-law is one of the show’s writers.
Two-month-old Talia
Happy Thanksgiving, Talia
Talia and me
Shine on, Hallmark Channel
Pumpkin skin care!
Talia Ivy Raab
Relationship advice
My son Ben, my newly married son Ben, mentioned a bit of advice that I gave him some time ago: “The wooing phase is never over.”
DQ Breeze
Was there ever a Dairy Queen product called the Breeze? Yes. It existed.
Mari and Ben
A very big day
Recently updated
Elaine Fine on the airwaves.
FSRC: annual report
Our two-person adventure in reading, in its second year.
Happy Mother’s Day
My mom, my daughter.
Elaine Fine on the airwaves
Music of Our Mothers, a weekly radio show devoted to classical music written by women, will air a recording of Elaine’s More Greek Myths.
Happy birthday, Rachel
I still vividly remember taking this photograph.
From an old notebook
“We went to some really old people last year, but they gave us a lot of candy.”