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Alan Alda now and then
Alan Alda now and then
Alan Alda is now eighty-five. How did that happen? He was the speaker at my college commencement, Fordham College, 1978, forty-three years ago.
Alan Alda now and then
From Chaplin’s Limelight: “That’s all any of us are — amateurs. We don’t live long enough to be anything else.”
Zombie cicadas
Zombie cicadas
“Infected cicadas, despite the fact that a third of their body has fallen off, continue to go about their activities like mating and flying as if nothing happened.”
Zombie cicadas
Out of practice
Out of practice
Elaine and I went out to visit friends last night, our first nighttime social effort in well over a year. And we didn’t remember to turn on the outside light when going out. We’re out of practice.
Out of practice
Typed during the memorial service for William “Billy” Evans, Capitol police officer.
Advice from Gabby Giffords
Advice from Gabby Giffords
Jeffrey Brown: “What do you tell yourself when things are difficult?” Gabby Giffords: “Move ahead.”
Advice from Gabby Giffords
On Friday, March 13, 2020, my life on pause began. Elaine and I went out to eat at our favorite restaurant that night (Thai food) and made a quick run to the supermarket, where I took a photo of an aisle emptied of paper towels and toilet paper. I remember that empty aisle as a sign of strange times.
“As seen in Wal-Mart”
“As seen in Wal-Mart”
A customer, in her fifties at least, no mask, wearing a sweatshirt with this motto: I’M JUST WTF-ING MY WAY THROUGH LIFE
“As seen in Wal-Mart”
“He was a skinny high school student who had asthma, a high-pitched voice and effeminate mannerisms”: it’s a good story, in The New York Times. But isn’t characterizing someone’s way of being as “effeminate” part of the problem to begin with?
Decluttering, continued
Decluttering, continued
An easy plan for living a richer life with less stuff, or at least the same life with less stuff: put this book in the box for donations.
Decluttering, continued
Did I really have this conversation?
Did I really have this conversation?
“Just so you know — the card reader at the first pump isn’t working. I tried two cards.” “How isn’t it working?” “It doesn’t read the cards.”
Did I really have this conversation?
That house with the signs and the pool and the lawn furniture all over the place: it would be really immature and small-minded to make fun by calling it Mar-a-Lago, don’t you think?
“The antithesis”
“The antithesis”
“He’s like the antithesis of public health”: Dr. Irwin Redlener of Columbia University, speaking of you-know-who.
“The antithesis”
Love thy neighbor?
Love thy neighbor?
What might it take to persuade some people to take COVID-19 seriously and act accordingly? I’ve wondered if this message might work.
Love thy neighbor?
“Giving you a wide berth, son!” I shouted.
“The scale of betrayal”
“The scale of betrayal”
On Trump*’s COVID lies: "The scale of betrayal is almost beyond political analysis": Mara Gay of The New York Times.
“The scale of betrayal”
A letter of appeal
A letter of appeal
A young Chicagoan, makes an appeal to the people of her home county, a COVID-19 hotspot, asking them to help keep her mother alive.
A letter of appeal
“I’m not afraid of death. It just don’t suit me to be lookin’ at it.”