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John Lewis (1940–2020)
John Lewis (1940–2020)
“My philosophy is very simple: when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to stand up, you have to say something, you have to do something. My mother told me over and over again, when I went off to school, not to get in trouble. But I told her I got in good trouble, necessary trouble. Even today, I tell people, ‘We need to get in good trouble.’”
John Lewis (1940–2020)
Turtles all the way down
Turtles all the way down
The paranoid style in American politics is never at a loss for explanations: another layer of theorizing can always be added to support a rickety conspiracy theory. It’s turtles, or theories, all the way down.
Turtles all the way down
Making us worse
Making us worse
Tom Nichols, writing in The Atlantic, says that Donald Trump*’s matinee performances are making us worse people.
Making us worse
Got logic?
Got logic?
Hide the dishonesty, incompetence, misogyny, narcissism, racism, &c. so that he can have four more years in which to put them to use.
Got logic?
No questions
No questions
When Trump* says that he’ll take questions from reporters, they should remain silent. And after a suitable silence: “We have some questions for Dr. Fauci.” No reporter is obligated to give a narcissist further opportunities to lie, exalt himself, and propagandize.
No questions
Adults? Anyone?
Adults? Anyone?
The adults in the room must step forward — or, if necessary, leave the room — and tell the truth, plainly and clearly. There’s too much at stake.
Adults? Anyone?
Rewriting history
Rewriting history
The New York Times: “The president tried to rewrite his history with advising Americans about the coronavirus. His own words prove him wrong.” Or as a non-Times writer once put it, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Rewriting history
I’m watching Donald Trump* struggle to read what’s been written for him and thinking, Unfit, unfit, unfit. What are those standing behind him thinking?
Even in a pandemic
Even in a pandemic
Representative Adam Schiff (D, California-18): “You know you can’t trust this president to do what’s right for this country. You can trust he will do what’s right for Donald Trump.”
Even in a pandemic
Elijah Cummings (1951–2019)
Elijah Cummings (1951–2019)
“When we’re dancing with the angels, the question will be asked: in 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our democracy intact? Did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing?”
Elijah Cummings (1951–2019)
Aaron Rupar’s Twitter
Aaron Rupar’s Twitter
the journalist Aaron Rupar’s Twitter account is a great resource for choice bits of the Donald Trump Improv Tour. Contrast, say, this bland Associated Press sentence — “[Pastor Andrew] Brunson led Saturday’s audience in a prayer for the president” — with what was said. Don’t hide the madness.
Aaron Rupar’s Twitter
No quid pro quo?
No quid pro quo?
“It was a quid pro quo, but not a corrupt one”: spoken by someone familiar with the upcoming testimony of Gordon Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union.
No quid pro quo?
Whoa again
Whoa again
“Two business associates of President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani have been charged with a scheme to route foreign money into U.S. elections, according to a newly unsealed indictment.” But wait — there’s more!
Whoa again
Some others
Some others
I’ve made this post to memorialize my amazement that things are much, much worse than I’ve imagined.
Some others
Also saying what must be said
Also saying what must be said
“There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country — by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined.”
Also saying what must be said
George Conway on fiduciary obligations
George Conway on fiduciary obligations
“Fiduciaries are people who hold legal obligations of trust, like a trustee of a trust. A trustee must act in the beneficiary’s best interests and not his own. If the trustee fails to do that, the trustee can be removed, even if what the trustee has done is not a crime. So too with a president.”
George Conway on fiduciary obligations