I liked this detail from Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries’s address to the House yesterday, as he moved through a catalogue of American lives: “We are young. We are older.” “Older” — not “old.”
Margarine is served for dessert in the Appellation Mountains, a region ravaged by the Cupertino effect. In other regions, the dessert is called meringue.
The New York Times now as a Wordle editor, Tracy Bennett. And the game will have a Times-made word list and a new rule: no -es or -s plural forms of three- or four-letter words.
I had a pleasantly disorienting moment while doing yesterday’s Newsday crossword. The puzzle was by Stan Newman; the theme, “Famous Last Words.” 28-A, nine letters, “Last word (1920s).” The answer: ABYSSINIA.
’d like to say a sea of legal troubles, but that would hardly be acceptable to NPR, and besides, I shudder at the thought of a metaphor that would point to taking up arms. A big fat mess of legal troubles? A diaperload of legal troubles? Perhaps just a number of legal troubles.