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Ready for the Snow
Ready for the Snow
An oil painting by George Lucas: bread, milk, toilet paper.
Ready for the Snow
Dream drawing
Dream drawing
Saul Steinberg’s ideal tables.
Dream drawing
A little Apple icon becomes a critter.
Sardine art
Sardine art
The Canadian artist Maud Lewis used sardine cans to hold her paints.
Sardine art
Little Luther
Little Luther
It appears that my representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), likes to play with paper dolls. Okay. But it’s not okay to affix a paper doll to a painting that doesn’t belong to you.
Little Luther
Recently updated
Recently updated
A pictograph minus hat, lampshade, and typewriter.
Recently updated
Another Henry
Another Henry
The Henry world seems to know only one modern sculptor: Henry. Moore, that is.
Another Henry
Snowy Day stamps
Snowy Day stamps
On October 4 the United States Postal Service will issue four stamps to honor Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day (1962).
Snowy Day stamps
Making by hand
Making by hand
Rosemary Hill: “To make objects by hand in an industrial society, to work slowly and uneconomically against the grain, is to offer, however inadvertently, a critique of that society.”
Making by hand
Baby’s First Resist-Story
Baby’s First Resist-Story
Fresca and bink have created an alphabet book with wash-away illustrations: Baby’s First Resist-Story. A is for alternative facts.
Baby’s First Resist-Story