LETS PLAY TWOApostrophes and the Chicago Cubs#punctuation#apostrophe·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 3, 2008LETS PLAY TWO
The "Arts"Unnecessary capital, unnecessary quotation marks#capitalization#quotationmarks#punctuation·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 29, 2008The "Arts"
A semicolon in the newsA semicolon on a New York City subway sign is in the news; read about it here: Celebrating the Semicolon in a Most Unlikely Location ( New...#punctuation#semicolon#signage·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 18, 2008A semicolon in the news
Apostrophes and cornFrom it's to its on the back of a package#punctuation#apostrophe·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 11, 2007Apostrophes and corn
Twilight commaAn odd headline#commas#headlines#punctuation·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 3, 2006Twilight comma
How to improve writing (no. 12 in a series)From 28 syllables to 16#writing#howtoimprove#revision#punctuation·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 26, 2006How to improve writing (no. 12 in a series)