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You know that you have the well-being of an older family member on your mind when you see a money-asking e-mail from LTC (Ret.) Alex Vindman in your inbox and the first thing you think is long-term care.
I finally thought to look up a word that’s long puzzled me: the verb vet. I had anticipated some weirdness in its past — perhaps a Latin phrase about trustworthiness for which it’s a one-syllable stand-in? Alas, the origin is disappointingly obvious, though not so obvious that I would have guessed it.
I cringe a little and laugh a little every time I hear a news outlet refer to Mar-a-Lago as the defeated former president’s “home.”
“Trumpery insanity”
“Trumpery insanity”
A startling phrase in the “Oxen of the Sun” episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses: “Trumpery insanity. The phrase, alas, is not political prophecy, and it’s not even of Joyce’s invention.
“Trumpery insanity”
Eight to two, four to one
Eight to two, four to one
I know precision is necessary. But I’d still be tempted to replace “potential debris impact risk” with “danger.”
Eight to two, four to one
OED life
OED life
This visit to the OED offices includes “astirbroad,” “burner phone,” and “what the what.”
OED life
It’s like Wordle times five, or ten.
I can’t decide if it’s a joke on Waiting for Godot. It might just be someone being witty about qua.
One Wordle
One Wordle
I find it tiresome when people post their Wordle result day after day after day. That’s why I’m posting mine just once.
One Wordle
hello wordl
hello wordl
One problem with playing for an eleven-letter word is that you have to think of eleven-letter words.
hello wordl
Word of the day: bazooka
Word of the day: bazooka
My friend Stefan Hagemann clued me in to the origin of bazooka, which was the name of a musical instrument of sorts before it became the name of a weapon.
Word of the day: bazooka
Asking, not asking
Asking, not asking
All this parsing might have been avoided if Justice Gorsuch had just worn a damn mask.
Asking, not asking
“Created by a software engineer in Brooklyn for his partner”: The New York Times has the story behind Wordle.
What’s a candy store?
What’s a candy store?
I discovered this morning, only partly to my surprise, that neither Merriam-Webster nor the Oxford English Dictionary has an entry for candy store. I think there should be one, because candy store does not always denote a store that sells only candy.
What’s a candy store?