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“Meaning everyone”
“Meaning everyone”
In The New York Times, Virginia Heffernan writes about attending virtual Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the time of the coronavirus.
“Meaning everyone”
Hair and what to do with it
Hair and what to do with it
The perfect tool for giving yourself a uniformly short haircut, the Remington ShortCut Pro Self-Haircut Kit, is sold out at the manufacturer’s website and Amazon.
Hair and what to do with it
Margaret Atwood on pandemics
Margaret Atwood on pandemics
“So here we are again”: Margaret Atwood writes about pandemics and this pandemic.
Margaret Atwood on pandemics
Adults? Anyone?
Adults? Anyone?
The adults in the room must step forward — or, if necessary, leave the room — and tell the truth, plainly and clearly. There’s too much at stake.
Adults? Anyone?
“Opening up”
“Opening up”
Donald Trump* just acknowledged that medical experts do not agree with his idea of “opening up” the country just weeks from now. The mind blanks at the glare, as Philip Larkin wrote.
“Opening up”
As if 9 were 15
As if 9 were 15
If six days have already gone by, why does Mike Pence continue to say “fifteen days to slow the spread” and not “we now have only nine days”? Instead of urgency, we get a special blend of stupidity and dishonesty.
As if 9 were 15
“Life was never normal”
“Life was never normal”
Mark Hurst: “Life was never normal, and life certainly isn’t normal now. I’m going to wash hands, sit at home behind this screen, and get on with creating good online. And we will get through this.”
“Life was never normal”
I think that Deborah Birx is blinking out a coded message from the podium this morning.
Social-distancing Q. & A.
Social-distancing Q. & A.
“How to Practice Social Distancing,” questions from The New Yorker, answers from Asaf Bitton, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Social-distancing Q. & A.
A movement for these times
A movement for these times
It’s #StayTheFuckHome. Not a joke. With twelve guidelines, in order of increasing difficulty and effectiveness.
A movement for these times
Store talk
Store talk
“Go and buy. Enjoy it. Have a nice dinner. Relax”: Donald Trump*.
Store talk
“Not a snow day”
“Not a snow day”
“The only strategies that can get us off this concerning trajectory are those that enable us to work together as a community to maintain public health by staying apart.”
“Not a snow day”
Flattening the curve
Flattening the curve
“If people are less mobile and interact with each other less, the virus has fewer opportunities to spread.”
Flattening the curve
130, 130
130, 130
Driving on Illinois Route 130 yesterday, Elaine and I listened to Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 130.
130, 130
No deal
No deal
Donald Trump’s fixation on making deals, great deals, betrays a mindset that has no room for the deep truth of what it means to be human. Because to be human is, finally, to lose. Every hand is a losing hand; every life, a losing proposition.
No deal
A compliment
A compliment
“I see the two of you walking all the time. You both slimmed up tremendous.”
A compliment
Oh, look, it’s shade, the only shade in the parking lot.
OUZO in the morning
OUZO in the morning
A clue in this past Saturday’s Newsday crossword, “Spirit in Cyprus,” made me remember a moment from my grad-student days.
OUZO in the morning
Eva Kor (1934–2019)
Eva Kor (1934–2019)
I remember vividly something Eva said to a group of east-central Illinoisans visiting her museum: “Never give up.”
Eva Kor (1934–2019)
The challenge and responsibility of personhood
The challenge and responsibility of personhood
John Green: “The challenge and responsibility of personhood, it seems to me, is to recognize personhood in others, to listen to others’ pain and take it seriously, even when you yourself cannot feel it.”
The challenge and responsibility of personhood
Islands for sale
Islands for sale
“I thought I would have great thoughts out here.”
Islands for sale