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Letter Boxed lines
Letter Boxed lines
It was only this week that I realized that the Congrats screen shows the lines made by the words you’ve spelled.
Letter Boxed lines
From the BBC: Why more people are saying “y’all.”
It’s Ciattarelli, dammit
It’s Ciattarelli, dammit
In 1994, Jack Ciattarelli, now the Republican candidate for governor of the state, did indeed attempt to ban cursing in the borough of Raritan. Talk about cancel culture.
It’s Ciattarelli, dammit
Naming of parts
Naming of parts
It’s patriarchy, inscribed in the language of anatomy.
Naming of parts
Performative again
Performative again
Arts & Letters Daily recently linked to a short commentary on the word performative. The commentary is crotchety and overwrought, with talk of corruption and senseless violence and infestations of body lice. I’m not linking. It so happens that I wrote what seems to me a far clearer, more helpful, and less wrought commentary on performative back in March. That commentary I’ll link to.
Performative again
Word of the day: tittuppy
Word of the day: tittuppy
From Jane Austen: "Break down! Oh! Lord! Did you ever see such a little tittuppy thing in your life? There is not a sound piece of iron about it.”
Word of the day: tittuppy
Only Donald Trump would speak of a coup as something to “do.”
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Words of the day: Now with names for the chemistry-classroom fixture with sink and Bunsen burner.
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Words of the day: estrade and dais
Words of the day: estrade and dais
What’s the word for the platform at the front of a classroom where the instructor’s desk stands? Is there a word for it? I was reaching for such a word on Saturday and later found one in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette : estrade.
Words of the day: estrade and dais
In The Washington Post, John Ficarra, a Mad editor, writes about his problem with heteronyms.
“Fending,” &c.
“Fending,” &c.
Roz Chast catalogs words for opening the refrigerator and having whatever for dinner.
“Fending,” &c.
“Have loved”
“Have loved”
A close reading of Kim Potter’s letter of resignation, by Lauren Michele Jackson.
“Have loved”
Idiom of the day: soup up
Idiom of the day: soup up
A clue in yesterday’s Newsday crossword — five letters, “Jazzes (up)” — prompted me to (finally) write a post about “soup up.”
Idiom of the day: soup up
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I worked up the patience to do some searches for “I ain’t do no drugs” and “I ate too many drugs.”
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Drugs, doing, eating
Drugs, doing, eating
Re: the day’s developments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial: “I ain’t do no drugs” is something people say. “I ate too many drugs” is not. See your nearest search engine for confirmation.
Drugs, doing, eating