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Make it known
Make it known
John D’Agata’s The Making of the American Essay (2016) has a witty sequence of epigraphs from Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, and John Ashbery. But D’Agata isn’t the first to put them into a sequence.
Make it known
Deresiewicz v. D’Agata
Deresiewicz v. D’Agata
“It kills me to think that there are going to be people walking around who believe that Socrates was an essayist because a self-important ignoramus named D’Agata told them so.”
Deresiewicz v. D’Agata
How to improve writing (no. 68)
How to improve writing (no. 68)
I don’t read New Yorker prose (or any prose I’m not editing) looking for things to change: these passages presented themselves to me (or to my bad-sentence radar) as prose in need of repair.
How to improve writing (no. 68)
Joe Gould’s Teeth
Joe Gould’s Teeth
A scrupulously documented journey down a rabbit hole, or rather, a journey through whole warrens of archival material.
Joe Gould’s Teeth
Thinking and writing (1)
Thinking and writing (1)
Sir Ernest Gowers: “Clear thinking is hard work, but loose thinking is bound to produce loose writing.”
Thinking and writing (1)